Grafton MA year end Market Reports 2010 - improving
By John Savignano, Realtor - Hopkinton and Metrowest MA Real Estate
(RE/MAX Executive)
Grafton MA 01536, Real Estate Market Report 2009 vs 2010 12 Months Single Family Homes MLS Stats 1/1- 12/31 # sold Median Sales price Days On Mkt % of asking price 2009 123 $335,000 143 97% 2010 127 $400,000 145 97% Trend up up up stable All indications are the Grafton MA single family market is stabilizing and improving. The volume of Grafton sales are up, the median sales price is way up, the days it takes to sell is steady and the selling price is 97% of asking price. many favorable signs. If you would like more information as it pertains to your real estate needs and price range- Call John 508 625-0059 I am always glad to help.