Brookline Real Estate Event for Home Buyers at Rifrullo Cafe MONDAY, JUNE 1ST4:30 PM-6:30 PM REGISTER TODAY RIFRULLO CAFE147 CYPRESS STREETBROOKLINE617-505-6727LIGHT APPETIZERS AND REFRESHMENTS WILL BE SERVED LEARN FROM THREE "SEASONED" REAL ESTATE EXPERTS HOW YOU CAN BUY IN THIS COMPETITIVE SELLER'S MARKET AND WIN REAL ESTATE EXPERTS, Beth Shuman, Realtor and Resident representing ReMax Unlimited,Thea Simolari, Senior Loan Officer with Mortgage Network Ilya Fuchs, Brookline Attorney with Kirzner, Fuchs and Hill will be discussing how to make your dream a reality. One on one consultations will be offered as well. Knowledge Is Power in purchasing a home and we will help provide you with the TOOLS, GUIDANCE...