Ideal Location and Style for a Bed and Breakfast
By Mary Kay Hopkins, e-PRO,GRI,CRS
(Mary Kay Hopkins, LLC e-PRO, GRI, CRS, CRB)
In Lake Charles, this is an authentic Arts and Crafts Bungalow located in Margaret Place, a city historic district in Lake Charles, LA. While the property has always been a residence, there are several reasons to support its potential as an ideal bed and breakfast: Within walking distance to St. Patrick's Hospital, Drew Park, Locke Park and our beautiful lake Across the street from D'Angelos, one of the most popular (and neighborhood friendly) restuarants in Lake Charles. D'Angelos will be even better than before after it is rebuilt due to the recent fire. The existing mixed used zoning already allows for Bed and Breakfast use The floor plan, especially the living area and wide front porch screams "bed and breakfast" Within minutes of downtown Lake Charles The lot provides room for p...