
Lake Charles, LA Real Estate News

By Marilyn Boudreaux, Lake Charles LA Century 21 Realtor
(Marilyn Boudreaux, Century 21 Bono Realty)
Painting With A Twist Painting With A Twist has taken Lake Charles by storm!  This is a great concept, gather a group of friends together and schedule a private paint party, pick a design, bring a bottle of wine (or not) and leave with your finished painting in 2- 3 hours!  If you don't know how to paint never fear, you don't need to be skilled, the teacher takes you through the class step by step (although some of us needed remedial help)!  When you come in you get a canvas with the penciled design already traced on it, an apron, all your supplies are set up for you. The paint used is acrylic so it drys fast.  I laughed when the teacher said you have to step back from your work to admire it!  If a group of stressed out REALTORS can paint you can too! Oh and just in case you screw up, t...
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By Mary Kay Hopkins, e-PRO,GRI,CRS
(Mary Kay Hopkins, LLC e-PRO, GRI, CRS, CRB)
The preparatory work is complete. Time to bring the house down! Ed Smith, yet another of the great people with DeVillier House Moving and Leveling, discusses the Unified Hydraulic System used to first raise the house so that the top "cribs" can be removed. Then, the house will be lowered.   The hydraulic pumps are in place at each station and the signal is given to begin lowering the house. This beats watching paint dry!   Next, the homeowner takes control for the final lowering of 180,000 pounds to the columns! The links that follow are the introduction to the series, plus the videos thus far. Introduction First Things First Part 2 The Company, Column Options, and More Part 3 - General Overview of the Process Part 4 - Foundation Options and More Part 5 - Center Footings Part 6 - Bricki...
Comments 8
By Mary Kay Hopkins, e-PRO,GRI,CRS
(Mary Kay Hopkins, LLC e-PRO, GRI, CRS, CRB)
The anticipated day has arrived! The concrete within the columns has "cured" so the DeVillier crew will lower the house to the columns today. Once again, Kevin Cormier provides an explanation of the process. In these two videos, Kevin explains the method to keep everything level. The links that follow are the introduction to the series, plus the videos thus far. Next, bringing the house down! Introduction First Things First Part 2 The Company, Column Options, and More Part 3 - General Overview of the Process Part 4 - Foundation Options and More Part 5 - Center Footings Part 6 - Bricking the columns Part 7 - Interview with the company owner and "Raising Day" Part 8 - Installing Hurricane Straps "Hurricane Straps" Part 9 -Pouring concrete into the brick columns"
Comments 4
By Mary Kay Hopkins, e-PRO,GRI,CRS
(Mary Kay Hopkins, LLC e-PRO, GRI, CRS, CRB)
Yesterday, I THOUGHT I had featured the bulk of the menu at the new Booda's Bistro.  And, I THOUGHT that breakfast would be my first meal at the newest restaurant in Downtown Lake Charles.  Turns out I was wrong on both counts. Plans changed and I ended up joining friends for lunch at Booda's Bistro. A busy and breakfast-less morning made for an eager lunch-goer. I was not disappointed.  When our extremely capable and smiling server, Blair, handed us the menu, I was amazed at the variety.   I requested and received The "To Go" menu. It is 3 pages long and will be sure to clench the decision making on "where to order" to satisfy a large office. My vegan friend ordered Onion Rings and a salad.  I searched for a photo to adequately describe the Booda's Bistro Onion Rings and was not succes...
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By Mary Kay Hopkins, e-PRO,GRI,CRS
(Mary Kay Hopkins, LLC e-PRO, GRI, CRS, CRB)
Most Farmer's Markets are open on Saturdays. In Lake Charles, the Charleston Farmers Market meets the requirements for Saturday shoppers. It offers a great place to start your Saturday in Downtown Lake Charles. May I suggest that you plan lunch at one of the many restaurants downtown after shopping at the Charleston Farmers Market. On Tuesday, Lake Charles residents are able to support and enjoy the produce raised right here in Southwest Louisiana.  The Cash and Carry location has only been open a few weeks, but shows great promise as THE PLACE to be on Tuesday's from 5 - 7:00 PM. Located at the corner of Enterprise and Broad, you can enjoy shopping for fresh produce and more from the comfort of the beautifully renovated and air-conditioned Cash and Carry.  It isn't often that one can ...
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By Mary Kay Hopkins, e-PRO,GRI,CRS
(Mary Kay Hopkins, LLC e-PRO, GRI, CRS, CRB)
Chez le Chien Chaud is considered the first "legal" umbrella restaurant in Southwest Louisiana. I'm not sure of the various Downtown Lake Charles locations, but have heard that Chez le Chien Chaud can be found at times at the Old Calcasieu Marine Bank. Given that I've already committed to breakfast, and probably lunch, this week at Booda's Bistro, it may be next week before I experience a hot dog from this latest addition to downtown Lake Charles.  
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By Mary Kay Hopkins, e-PRO,GRI,CRS
(Mary Kay Hopkins, LLC e-PRO, GRI, CRS, CRB)
This week, I will be joining friends for breakfast at one of the newest restaurants in Downtown Lake Charles, Booda's Bistro. After checking out the Booda's Bistro menu on their Facebook page, I sense a breakfast decision-dilemma in the works! The menu includes several styles of 3-egg omelets along with a variety of pancakes, egg and breakfast sandwiches, croissants and more! As a dog lover, I especially appreciate the names of these Breakfast specials! Booda’s Loco Moco ~ 2 Scoops of Rice, 8 oz Hamburger Steak, Fried Egg, Topped with Brown GravyThe Yorkie ~ 2 Eggs, Grits or Home Fries, Toast or Biscuit Bullmastiff ~ 6 oz Sirloin Steak, 2 Eggs, Grits or Home Fries, Toast or Biscuit Great Dane (The Gentle Giant) ~ 8oz Hamburger Steak, 2 Eggs, Grits or Home Fries, Toast or Biscuit Smooth ...
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By Mary Kay Hopkins, e-PRO,GRI,CRS
(Mary Kay Hopkins, LLC e-PRO, GRI, CRS, CRB)
The French pirate, Jean Lafitte, is responsible for many "namings." A few: Here in Lake Charles, The Contraband Bayou was named due to the legend that he buried his treasure along the banks of the Contraband Bayou.  In fact, one of his alleged escape routes took him through the 53.5 acres known as Old Barbe Woods. The Jean Lafitte Historical Park and Preserve Lafitte, LA A 1938 Film, The Buccaneer, directed by Cecil B. DeMille based on the novel, Lafitte, the Pirate.  The Bucaneer Room at the Civic Center in Lake Charles To be sure, these are significant honors, but it made me smile to imagine that the famous pirate would be pretty pleased to know that this road marker is in front of a local bar, The Frosty Factory, in Lake Charles.  
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By Marilyn Boudreaux, Lake Charles LA Century 21 Realtor
(Marilyn Boudreaux, Century 21 Bono Realty)
Will Tropical  Storm Bonnie Blow my Open Houses This Weekend?   We track storms pretty closely here in Louisiana and people begin to get nervous when they see the cone around our coastline. Thank goodness "Bonnie" has been down graded to a "tropical depression". I am not a big fan of Open Houses and alot of my seller's do not want me to hold their homes "open".  Its times like this that I remind myself of the unpredictability of an Open House turnout.  Leave it to me to plan Open Houses on the weekend when a storm is looming in the Gulf! The signs are out and advertising has been placed!  None of us can predict the weather a week out when we schedule Open Houses.    Right now it looks like 50% chance of rain for Sunday.  Unless Bonnie gains in strength and we have strong winds that will...
Comments 7
By Marilyn Boudreaux, Lake Charles LA Century 21 Realtor
(Marilyn Boudreaux, Century 21 Bono Realty)
  The City of Lake Charles is fortunate to have an Arts and Cultural Center that acquires great exhibits for us to enjoy! Exhibits go on display periodically throughout the year housed in the Historic 1911 City Hall located on Ryan Street. All exhibits are free to the public Monday-Friday 10am-5pm and Saturday 10am-2pm.  The Historic City Hall Building itself is interesting to admire and has been beautifully restored. One of the exhibits I particularly enjoyed was the Titanic Artifact Exhibit. Currently on Display is "I Want Candy: The Sweet Stuff in American Art"  While you may leave this exhibit hungry with cravings of chocolate, candy, pie or ice cream, your mind will also be intrigued with the artist expressions and interpretation of candy. Take a sneak peek at how creative this "sw...
Comments 5
By Mary Kay Hopkins, e-PRO,GRI,CRS
(Mary Kay Hopkins, LLC e-PRO, GRI, CRS, CRB)
As planned, the next step in raising this home from a slab is to pour concrete into the concrete columns.  The purposeful week delay to let the mortar set has passed so today is the day the concrete will be poured. But there are two important steps that mus be accomplished first. In the videos that follow, Kevin Cormier with DeVillier House Moving and Leveling explains the next steps. First he explains why and how the columns will be reinforced. Then, he explains how the hurricane straps will be inserted.   The links that follow are the introduction to the series, plus the videos thus far. The next step will be to pour the concrete pilings within the columns. Introduction First Things First Part 2 The Company, Column Options, and More Part 3 - General Overview of the Process Part 4 - Fo...
Comments 8
By Marilyn Boudreaux, Lake Charles LA Century 21 Realtor
(Marilyn Boudreaux, Century 21 Bono Realty)
Everything Old is New Again Historical Renovation and Preservation is popular in Lake Charles, LA If you are a frequent visitor to downtown Lake Charles and the Garden District you will notice there are several historical homes undergoing face lifts to shine once again in splendor. There are several historical homes for sale in Lake Charles .  Downtown Lake Charles is revitalizing with families moving into these historic homes.  You might say its the "in thing" to do.  People are drawn to the charm and one of a kind features of the historical Victorian homes and cottages.  I know because I have been on this specific search with my buyers for several months and we finally have one of these historical homes "under contract" and will be closing later this month. One company that specialize...
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By Mary Kay Hopkins, e-PRO,GRI,CRS
(Mary Kay Hopkins, LLC e-PRO, GRI, CRS, CRB)
I've never been timid in expressing my appreciation of Margaret Place. It will come to a surprise to some, but my affection goes beyond the borders of the historical district where my home and office are currently located. For this post, I want to bring your attention to the the major streets that run between Dr. Michael DeBakey Drive and Shell Beach Drive.  To illustrate the common denominator of each street, I've taken some iPHone photos of the view of the Lake from the end of each street.  Each of these streets has personal meaning for me. For 7 years, I lived one-street-over on Watkins Street and still have a great appreciation and warm memories of this quiet, tree-lined street.  Homes have changed owners, but the pride of ownership continues.  I'm watching with interest from "acros...
Comments 9
By Marilyn Boudreaux, Lake Charles LA Century 21 Realtor
(Marilyn Boudreaux, Century 21 Bono Realty)
Located in the old Dairy Barn at 3905 Ryan Street, in Lake Charles, Louisiana, Cedars  is a new Greek/Lebanese restaurant to the row of dining choices along Ryan Street.  Have you ever heard of a Mediterranean drive thru?  Cedars Restaurant has a drive thru that ranks them high up there on my list! Cedars is certainly becoming a "Hot Spot" in Lake Charles.  On the day I dined here for lunch, I spotted several other REALTORS, and prominent businessmen in the dining room. I must admit if I am going to eat Mediterranean food, my favorite restaurant of choice is Mazens.  However, Cedars is soon to become a Lake Charles favorite.  I like to order appetizers and my table ordered the sampler platter with an extra side dish of hummus.  The Spinach Pies were delicious and I was pleasantly surpr...
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By Derenda Grubb, GRI, ABR, CRS
(CENTURY 21 Mike D. Bono & Co.'s)
Are you looking for 4 bedroom homes for sale in South Lake Charles? The following is a snapshot of 4 bedroom homes in South Lake Charles * currently available in MLS areas 30 and 40. Number of Active Listings: 71Average Square footage: 3354Average list price: $488,990Lowest list price: $99,900Highest list price: $3,500,000 Again this month, the $3,500,000 listing "skews" the statistics. The snapshot that follows is a repeat of the search, minus the $3,500,500 listing: Number of Active Listings: 70Average Square footage: 3259Average list price: $445,975Lowest list price: $99,900Highest list price: $1,975,000 See the geographical boundaries of MLS areas 30 and 40 on this page on *Paramaters include 4 bedrooms plus. Of the 71 total active listings available within the 4 bedroo...
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By Mary Kay Hopkins, e-PRO,GRI,CRS
(Mary Kay Hopkins, LLC e-PRO, GRI, CRS, CRB)
The inspector has given his seal of approval on the preparatory work thus far for the foundation. The first video discusses the next steps and the second video shows the work in process insofar as the center foundation.The brick has been selected and delivered. The brick layers are scheduled so progress continues.  This series is a work-in-progress. Additional photos will be provided. More explanatory videos are in process. The links that follow are the introduction to the series, plus the first 4 videos. Introduction First Things First Part 2 The Company, Column Options, and More Part 3 - General Overview of the Process Part 4 - Foundation Options and More
Comments 1
By Marilyn Boudreaux, Lake Charles LA Century 21 Realtor
(Marilyn Boudreaux, Century 21 Bono Realty)
Premier Wine and Food Event in Lake Charles, Louisiana Rouge et Blanc- October 23, 2010   I know its early but tickets will be going on sale to the public on Monday, July 26, 2010 for Rouge et Blanc which is always a sell out event presented by the McNeese Foundation and Downtown Development Authority.  This will be my 4th year to attend Rouge et Blanc and I just got my VIP tickets in the mail. It is one of my favorite Lake Charles events.  If you are anywhere near Lake Charles you don't want to miss this event, all the cool people will be there! Rouge et Blanc is a tent event set up in front of the  Historic Lake Charles City Hall and around the grounds of the Lake Charles Courthouse and is  always held during the month of October when Southwest Louisiana has the best weather! Wine ven...
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By Mary Kay Hopkins, e-PRO,GRI,CRS
(Mary Kay Hopkins, LLC e-PRO, GRI, CRS, CRB)
These two videos are of the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception at 935 Bilbo Street in Lake Charles, LA. The architectural style of this historic Lake Charles Church is Romanesque. It is one of several properties in Calcasieu Parish listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The church, like several Historic Buildings and Churches In Lake Charles, was designed by the renowned architectural firm of Favrot and Livaudais. It was constructed after the Great Fire of 1910. The red tile roofed building in the background is the 1911 City Hall, also a Favrot and Livaudais designed building. A detailed description is available on a page dedicated to this historic church in Lake Charles. I became quite nostalgic when the bells started. In my sailing days, I would often anchor on a Satu...
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By Marilyn Boudreaux, Lake Charles LA Century 21 Realtor
(Marilyn Boudreaux, Century 21 Bono Realty)
City of Lake Charles Preview of New Lakefront Downtown Development During a recent press conference the City of Lake Charles shared new Lakefront Downtown Development projects .  This is a glimpse of what will be constructed in downtown Lake Charles in the near future.  Contractors will now begin to submit bids. The Promenade is scheduled to be completed in August and is looking good! The rest of the Lakefront improvements will be in 3 phases- the Bord du Lac Park Maintenance Building will be Phase I with a completion date of June 2011.  Bord du Lac Park Gateway & Playground Phase II will be completed July 2011 and the Bord du Lac Ampitheater Phase III will be completed in July 2012.  There will also be an extension of Gill Street connecting to downtown Lake Charles and a Ryan Streetsc...
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By Marilyn Boudreaux, Lake Charles LA Century 21 Realtor
(Marilyn Boudreaux, Century 21 Bono Realty)
Lake Charles Louisiana Does It Again! Salute to the Patriots in Style Earlier this week I announced the City of Lake Charles Annual Red White Blue and You 4th of July event.  I must admit, next to Christmas, 4th of July is my favorite holiday to celebrate and I have been wearing red, white and blue for a week in anticipation! It was a HOT one and the rain clouds passed through Lake Charles earlier in the day leaving clear skies for the Community Concert and Fireworks! The City of Lake Charles did not disappoint me and I can't wait until next year's event when all the Lakefront improvements and Boardwalk are completed.  Mayor Randy Roach gave an overview of what is yet to come tonight at the Community Concert and it's going to be great! Many residents arrived early to spread blankets and...
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