Want to Find Out More about Lawrence Kansas?
By Rob Lang, Local Expert in NE Central Kansas Real Estate Home
(At Home Kansas)
The number of websites about Lawrence Kansas keeps growing and growing. There is:http://www.visitlawrence.com/ and http://www.lawrence.com/ and http://www.lawrenceks.org/ and http://www.lawrencekansas.org/ and http://www.larryville.com/ and http://www.lawrencechamber.com/ and http://www.usd497.org/ (schools) and http://www.6newslawrence.com/weather (weather) and http://www.lawrence.lib.ks.us/ (library) and http://www.ku.edu/ (University of Kansas) and http://www.ci.lawrence.ks.us/ (City Services) and http://www.ljworld.com/ (City Paper) for starters.Don't forget to visit http://www.lawrenceregionhomes.com/ to search for homes on the market.I would be happy to show you which homes are the better picks on the market by sharing with you county info, sales info, sellers' disclosures, visual...