Where is the nearest farmers' market in Lawrence, Kansas?
By Rob Lang, Local Expert in NE Central Kansas Real Estate Home
(At Home Kansas)
Where is the nearest farmers' market? Answer: Answer Contributed by Rob Lang At Home Kansas 785-393-2274 LAWRENCE, KANSAS REALTOR The Lawrence Farmers Market has a Saturday Market 7-11am at the public parking lot between 8th and 9th Streets and New Hampshire and Rhode Island Streets and a Tuesday 4-6pm Market located between 10th and 11th streets on the east side of Vermont Street that run from May through October for the Tuesday market and Thanksgiving for the Saturday market. Cottin's Hardware & Rental also hosts a Farmer's Market. Cottin’s Hardware Farmers Market is held every Thursday through October, from 4:00 pm – 6:30 pm, in the back parking lot of Cottin’s Hardware & Rental at 1832 Massachusetts Street in Lawrence, Kansas.