15 Suggestions, To Help You Find The Best Agent To Get Your Home "SOLD!"
By Martin Dorgan
(Prudential Indiana Realty)
15 Suggestions, To Help You Find The Best Agent To Get Your Home "SOLD!" How Do "You" Find An Agent? Most people ask for recommendations, some of the most successful agents get that way because of referrals. Start by asking your friends, and neighbors, co-workers, family, community members "who they have used in the past", and how successful their experiences were. But you should also check their suggestions through the Internet. Do those agents have a web presence? Do they as agents have their own website? Do they contribute locally with a Blog?. "Word of mouth" advertising is great! But, that only works, if the agent has a large circle of friends or a large buyer pool. You need more than the average or good agent may have. You need a well...