Top Ten Home Improvements That Benefit Sellers
By Margaret Goss, Chicago's North Shore & Winnetka Real Estate
TOP TEN HOME IMPROVEMENTS THAT BENEFIT SELLERS Getting top $$ for your home is the target of a real estate agent- and the best way to hit the center mark is to make sure your home is in the best conditon you can make it. I always go through a seller's home to assess the minimum that should be done to achieve this goal and it does not have to be expensive or labor intensive. The home valuation company, HomeGain polled 1000 real estate agents to come up with a list of the most important, least expensive, and most value intensive improvements that sellers can do to prepare their home for the market. Since they started the poll in 2000, the #1 task has been . . . decluttering the house. How cheap is that? Labor intensive, maybe, but the most important thing you can do is simply put th...