Over 70 Percent of REALTORS® Prepared for TRID
By William Piotrowski, Just Call William 630-881-8655
(Diamond Residential Mortgage Corporation )
Over 70 Percent of REALTORS® Prepared for TRIDTransition With just one month left before the October 3 effective date of the new TILA-RESPA Integrated Disclosure rule (TRID), preparation is underway for members of the industry, according to a recent National Association of REALTORS® Research survey. More than 80 percent of respondents to the survey have undergone some form of TRID training, and approximately three-quarters (71.2 percent) rate their level of preparedness as average or better. The majority of respondents (35.4 percent) received broker-sponsored training. In anticipation of the rule’s effective date, the majority of survey respondents (55.9 percent) plan to adjust their purchase agreements to accommodate longer contract horizons as a result of the transition. Respondents ...