
Madison County, ID Real Estate News

Information gathered from the Idaho energy audits in Rexburg, Madison County, Idaho will be used to determine energy efficiency, retrofitting and weatherization projects using funds from the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grants (EECBG). Retrofitting projects will include air infiltration, energy efficient windows and doors, insulation levels, weather-stripping and caulking, and electric base loads.   Using its EECBG formula funding to retrofit and improve the energy efficiency of a number of it's municipal buildings that will result in substantial reduction in energy usage. EECBG Formula grants can be used for energy efficiency and conservation programs and projects community wide, as well as renewable energy installations on local municipal buildings, city facilities, local ...
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By Paul Bowen
(Country Wide Properties, Inc.)
A recient survey but the Notional Associan of Realtors found that over 50% of home owners, who are late on their house payments, don't know that they can have their loans modified so that theny can better afford their house payments.  There is help available!  There are actually a lot of options out there and many of the homes that go into foreclosure don't really need to do so.  There are several web site a person con go to to find help.  Consider looking at these: All of these can give you direction into how to get help. Why let a home go into foreclosure when you don't need to? Loans can be modified in several ways. Interest rates may be lowered.Back payments may be re-calcuated and put onto the end of the loanso that new pay...
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By Kevin Robinson, Fractional Developer
Laying on my grandmas lawn and watching the jets fly over. My grandma lived right off the end of an Air Force Base runway, and on some days during the Vietnam War, fighter jets would fly over every couple of minutes. My friends and I would spend hours simply laying there and watching the jets. Like boys, we would talk about how cool it would be to fly one of them and how we were all going to be jet pilots some day. I think that our favorite part of the whole thing was when the pilots would kick in the afterburners right over us. We would wait for that. That sound, to a young boy, is so incredible, especially when coupled with the speed of the jet. Sometimes we would yell "Go" to the pilots as they flew by. My family and I like to attend airshows whenever we can. We especially like to se...
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By Paul Bowen
(Country Wide Properties, Inc.)
Welcom to my blog. If your are looking for a great education in  a small town university, Rexburg Idaho may just be the place for you.  Brigham Young University Idaho (BYUI) is nesseled in the smal town of Rexburg Idaho.  It is one of the fastest groing 4 year institutions  in the west.  The school currantly has an annual enrolement of nearly 20,000 students.  They opporate on a 3 block schedule with 11,000 to 13,000 students per block with students attending two of the three blocks each year.  They expect to be at 23,000 to 24,000 students by 2010. If you need any more information on the University or the housing market in the quiet fasst growing community, just contact me. I have some great student housing units available for sale.  There is also a great selection of Town Homes and Co...
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By Ryan Nickel
(Cherry Creek Mortqage Company)
Well to tell you the truth, nothing.  If you know you have one and you know what is happening with your ARM.  I personally have an ARM on my primary residence and yes it's interest only.  Ooooo, Taboo!Not really.  The problem isn't having an ARM, it't the reason for having one that's the problem.  I opted to take out my mortgage as an ARM because of the strategy I had behind it.  My strategy, was and still is, to only make interst payments on my mortgage and to apply the difference in payment into an asset accumulation vehicle to build wealth.  You see, my strategy is to build wealth and let me money work for me rather than having it sit lazily and idlely in my home as "equity".The myth about equity is that is grows for you.  WRONG!!  The house is the asset that appreciates over time, w...
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