Isabel Bloom is Blooming all over Davenport, Iowa!
By Lucky Lang, Marco Island & Naples Florida Real Estate
(Premiere Plus Realty Marco Island)
The blog post, You Know You're From The Quad Cities When..., was posted back in February and stirred some laughter, some comments, some emotion (good memories), and some questions. This post is about answering one of the questions. The question is, why would someone stand in line for over an hour to buy "sculpted concrete"? So, after some prodding by Mike, I decided to finally write about Davenport, Iowa's Famous Isabel Bloom! Davenport, Iowa is home to the Isabel Bloom legacy! Click Here to learn more about the history of Isabel Bloom. The pieces above are called "Flower Picks". These pieces of art are sculpted, forms are made, concrete is cast, and then they are all individually hand painted. This one is one of the tiniest they make and it weighs only a few ounces. The bottom of...