4601 Kelling Street, Davenport, Iowa 52806 - SOLD!!!
By Lucky Lang, Marco Island & Naples Florida Real Estate
(Premiere Plus Realty Marco Island)
This Charming 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath, 1314 Square Foot Ranch Home built in 2002 is just right for you!!! It sits lengthwise on the lot and has Cute Curb Appeal! The floor plan is wide open with no wasted space! Lots of Room in the Living Room! The Two-Car Attached Garage enters from the rear for greater curb appeal in front! The neighborhood was built for Community! Everyone's garage enters from the rear off an Alley! Disney developed a very popular neighborhood in Florida like this where Front Porches sit close to the sidewalk and provide for better communication with neighbors.....a throw-back to Yesteryear! For more information about this property and other DAVENPORT, IOWA REAL ESTATE contact: LUCKY LANG, QUAD-CITIES FAVORITE REALTOR® Lucky Lang, Realtor ® Licensed in Io...