Happy Anniversary Haleakala National Park - Maui Hawaii
By Georgie Hunter R(S) 58089, Maui Real Estate sales and lifestyle info
(Hawai'i Life Real Estate Brokers)
With all the hoopla about the national park service marking its 100 year anniversary, it's only appropriate to post some pictures of our best known Haleakala National Park here on Maui.It's a highlight of anyone's visit to the island, and I would encourage you all to take a drive up there since it's so easy to do. Where else on this earth can you get in your car at sea level and drive up to a 10,000 summit in about 45 minutes? On a beautiful paved road all the way no less!If you only have a short time, you can see plenty of the jaw dropping vistas without much effort, but if you're inclined to be adventurous, a hike into the crater is an experience you will long remember. Best of all, if you ever get a chance to camp out or spend a night in one of the 3 cabins, you are in for an incre...