Jackfruits grow well in Haiku Maui Hawaii
By Georgie Hunter R(S) 58089, Maui Real Estate sales and lifestyle info
(Hawai'i Life Real Estate Brokers)
Have you ever seen a jackfruit growing on a tree? They are huge! A large tree will be covered with them, on the trunk and hanging from the branches too.These jackfruits are growing in Haiku Maui where it's the perfect climate for tropical fruits and flowers, with plenty of rain and humidity. Friends of mine planted this as a small tree and now it's a huge tree with abundant fruits which she sells at the local farmers market.Find a home to buy in Haiku Maui Hawaii.To eat the fruit you have to open it up and pull apart the many little white fleshy segments.The taste is quite unique, very sweet and aromatic. Watch and see how this guy in Hawaii cuts it open and eats a bite... That was interesting wasn't it? If you get a chance to try some, don't be shy. It tastes a little bit like ba...