Remember Clotheslines?
By Georgie Hunter R(S) 58089, Maui Real Estate sales and lifestyle info
(Hawai'i Life Real Estate Brokers)
You know what bugs me? So many subdivisions don't allow clotheslines according to their CC&R's. When did clotheslines go out of fashion, and why? What's up with that? I remember reading somewhere that if everyone in this country just hung up their laundry to dry, we wouldn't need nuclear power plants, as the amount of energy consumed by electric dryers equalled the output of our nuclear power plants. I'm sure it's not that simple, but we obviously could cut back a LOT by hanging up the clothes. Save power, save money, save the planet. Sure that's easy for me to say, living in Hawaii where it never freezes. But come on, since there is a general trend for people to move to the sunnier parts of the country, why not take advantage of all that solar power. Why do these developers keep...