Historic Norcross Farmer's Market
By Thom Abbott, Midtown Atlanta GA Condos For Sale
(MyMidtownMojo.com |770.713.1505 | Intown Atlanta GA Condo Living)
Historic Norcross Farmer's Market is the new hidden jewel just a few minutes from my house! Who knew? When you live in a major metro area like Atlanta, many of our "burbs" are actually small, rural type towns that have just gotten swallowed up by all the growth. Some, like Doraville, where my house is located, has nothing left of it's past....really sad. But then you find the hidden gems. I discovered Historic Norcross Farmer's Market after reading numerous blogs about Farmer's Markets around the country. Now, sad to say, never been a big attendee of them...but boy oh boy has that just changed. This is not a huge market by any means, but you know what they say, its' the quality, not the quanity that counts. AND...this one is on a Tuesday afternoon, 4-8pm, June through October. A strange...