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By Thom Abbott, Midtown Atlanta GA Condos For Sale
( |770.713.1505 | Intown Atlanta GA Condo Living)
In exciting job news in Midtown Atlanta, Macy's will add 600 jobs to a new Midtown Tech Hub! Awesome! The $14M facility will open in Midtown Atlanta, specifically at the new T3 office building at Atlantic Station.Naveen Krishna, Macy’s chief technology officer said in a statement that the new office gives the company an opportunity to “leverage the diversity and depth of technical expertise and skills available in the Atlanta area.” Software development and software architects will make up most of the new positions. The company currently has a technology center in San Francisco, that it will be closing. It employs some 800 plus people. There was no mention how many, if any of those postions would relocate to the new Atlanta hub. Macy's will be one of the first tenants in the new T3 buil...
By Thom Abbott, Midtown Atlanta GA Condos For Sale
( |770.713.1505 | Intown Atlanta GA Condo Living)
This post originally appeared at MyMidtownMojo.comEveryday when I'm working with Midtown Atlanta condo buyers, part of our conversation is about the monthly HOA fee that is required when you own a condominium. Indeed, some buildings it can me quite an expense, and it is based on the size of your condo to start with. What Are Condo HOA Fees Spent On? I often try to relate this back to living in, or owning a single family home. Just think of these activities.... Mowing the grass, blowing off the driveway and planting flowers (Exterior Landscaping) Painting the hallway you use to get from the bedroom to the kitchen/living room (Common hallway in the building) Fixing the TV when it breaks ( Could be the TV's in the Club Room that you use) Fixing a leak in the roof (The roof of the building ...
By Thom Abbott, Midtown Atlanta GA Condos For Sale
( |770.713.1505 | Intown Atlanta GA Condo Living)
Yep. That’s right.No One Is Coming.Short. But it has been a powerful and sobering reminder for me. Because yes, you can look for the next big thing that will fix you. Read more blog articles. Read more personal development books. Look for people to help you. And yes, some articles, books, products or people will give you support and insights that resonate deeply with you and that you can put into practice. But in the end, if you are an adult then no one is coming. No one is coming to save you. You have to take responsibility for your own life and what happens in it. Other things and people can certainly aid you quite a bit. But you are responsible. You can go around blaming society or some people for your problems in your social life. Or finances. Or health. You can always find scape...
By Thom Abbott, Midtown Atlanta GA Condos For Sale
( |770.713.1505 | Intown Atlanta GA Condo Living)
This evening, I was looking at my Wordpress site, and I noticed this huge number of blog posts sitting in "draft." I'm thinking, WHAT? What are all those and are they even still relevant anymore? You know, you get that idea for a post, you start it and then you have to run off to do something else. I've deleted a couple, but this one certainly still was quite timely.... Remember The Faithful For They Are Our Friends Probably one of the best phrases ever said was about a dog...."Man's Best Friend." This week while I've been in Montana, you see dogs in a different perspective. See, here in the "country" dogs are still as much a part of ones life as, say back in Atlanta. But in Atlanta,you don't see people with dogs in the back of their truck. Here in my home town, they take them everywhe...
By Thom Abbott, Midtown Atlanta GA Condos For Sale
( |770.713.1505 | Intown Atlanta GA Condo Living)
I got inspired for this post by my good friend and fellow real estate BFF, Tammy Lankford .I woke up extra early today..could not sleep. That causes a nap from 4:30-7pmI took an incredible 21 day trip to the Big Island of Hawaii last month. In fact, I've only been back 30 days. I didn't buy much in the way of souviners, and the special one I bought, I broke this morning. Yeah, it's only a coffee cup, but it might be 2 years before I can replace it. That really sucked. Sorry. I'm glad I did not pack up my ratty old quilt from when I was a little kid. It's ripped and frayed on the edges, but I'll be needing it tonight. Squirrels really tick me off. I planted Serenity Pond this past weekend and now they feel inclined to dig everywere. No plants uprooted yet, but it will only be a matter of...
By Thom Abbott, Midtown Atlanta GA Condos For Sale
( |770.713.1505 | Intown Atlanta GA Condo Living)
When you purchase your Midtown Atlanta condo, one of the closings costs you will find on your HUD-1 or closing statement will be for two policies for title insurance. One will be a policy for your lender (unless you paid cash for your property) and the other will be for you. So... What Is Title Insurance in Georgia? Buying a home is unlike buying any other product or service in the world. Records for property purchased in the United States go back hundreds of years. Record keeping has not always been as sophisticated as it is today. Many laws that affect ownership, taxes on property and other's possible rights to property change and can adversely affect ownership of real estate. Judgments, liens and other debts belonging to previous owners of real estate can often appear in public rec...
By Thom Abbott, Midtown Atlanta GA Condos For Sale
( |770.713.1505 | Intown Atlanta GA Condo Living)
As a real estate broker, and a blogger, I often say my topics come from real life experiences. And I try to use those experiences to make myself a better agent. And I share these experiences so Buyers and Sellers can understand what we go through when we represent either one of you! But this post was also inspired by a post from Bliz Biz and Bill Spear about a Seller being upset that Bill and his Buyers were in the house TOO LONG!!! Seriously? I had a call from an agent to show one of my listings yesterday. First off, she said she had "lots of things to look at today, so I have no idea when we will be there." While the listing clearly states the home is occupied, I mentioned to the agent that anytime before 4pm was fine as I knew my tenant was at work. If it was going to be after 4pm, ...