Listing Photo Favorites - 2018 Fairway Cir Atlanta, GA 30319
By Iran Watson, Marietta Real Estate Agent - Photographer
(Georgia Elite Realty)
This listing is being offered by Kirsten Conover (404-386-1103) with Prudential Georgia Realty. Real Estate Photography by Iran Watson. This shoot was of a very impressive remodel just outside Atlanta, GA. I was referred to Kristen by Kathy Nielsen, who did a wonderful job staging this home. I love photographing staged homes, especially when the stager is talented. It makes my job so much easier. Needless to say, the remodeling work and staging made for a very photogenic property. Aside from my normal MO, I got to use my PAP rig and do some light painting. Both of these techniques provide a lot of variety to the set and while occasionally time consuming and difficult, they definitely make the property stand out online. I just need to remember to bring the mosquito repellent nex...