Sorry Mr/Ms. Rental Tenant I Just Can't Work For Free Anymore!
By Thom Abbott, Midtown Atlanta GA Condos For Sale
( |770.713.1505 | Intown Atlanta GA Condo Living)
I guess this is the point when you can say the "- - - - has hit the fan." I'm not sure if it's my fault for not explaining how I get paid, or just a bunch of rude people that are only looking out for themselves. But, I think the time has about come for me to shut the door on helping ANYONE looking to rent. I'm tired of being the doormat and the Greyline Tour guide. In the past few months I've dealt with numerous rental inquiries. Mind you, I understand that not every one can buy, or wants to buy. But I've shown rental condos to potential tenants that act like they are BUYING it....and they are looking for the shiny glass tower condo at a trailer park price....and want to know why I can't show it to them. I spent over 2 hours tonight calling and emailing to check availability on condos f...