Porsche Design Vertical Residences ♦ Take Your MotorCar with you!
By Mott Marvin Kornicki, Miami Notary & Apostille 786-229-7999
(Waterway Realtors® • Notary Public & Apostille)
PORSCHE DESIGN TOWER ♦ A 57 STORY MASTERPIECE ♦ SUNNY ISLES BEACH, FLORIDA The luxury beach condo where you can DRIVE to your 36th floor apartment! http://www.sunnyislesbeachhouse.com Finding a parking space near their front door will no longer be a worry for anyone lucky enough to live in the new multimillion pound, 57-storey condo planned for Miami.Instead they can just pull into a designated space, turn off the engine and sit back and enjoy the oceanfront view as they are escalated in a glass elevator to the front door of their apartment.The ‘Jetson-esque’ luxury tower will rise in Sunny Isles Beach as part of a $560million project between Germany’s Porsche Design Group and a local developer, Gil Dezer. Jetson-esque: The luxury tower will be built in Miami in a $560million project ...