Landlords are Reeping The Benifits of Low Home Sales
By Mark Horan, "The Resident Chef" - Resident Team Realty LLC &
(Resident Team Realty, LLC & Toni's Property Management LLC)
Since the rate of home ownership is on a decline from the highs we experienced in 2005 at 69% to the rate of under 64% today, with each half of a percent representing one million home owners, we are seeing a rise in rent rolls in Property Management Saint Cloud, Florida.The large sector of our Millennials now 18 to 34 can't afford to own, or don't have the desire. This is a deterioration of the American Dream. Household between 30 and 34 years old had always been over 50% are now at a record low of 45%. This is attributed to mountains of student loan debt, and low paying jobs in the current economy.We have seen an almost 10% increase in the rent rolls over the past 18 months. But every rental market has a ceiling that the income from the local jobs can support.Returns on investment is r...