Market Niche- Capturing Renters Ready to Renew
By Allison Stewart, St. Cloud Fl Realtor, Osceola County Real Estate 407-616-9904
(St.Cloud Homes )
Affordable HousingIt is a New Year. The market niche apparently overlooked lately and certainly in the "boom" of last year was affordable housing for middle income families. Ther is a unique opportunity here to work with clients who have previously derived no tax advantages for renting versus owning. Mortgage Brokers and bankers alike will agree that the tax benefits to home ownership,vastly outweigh renting. Money spent on renting a place to live is not recoverable. While many tax deductions are given for home ownership. Making newcomers to the buying market aware of some of these incentives helps to solidify why NOW is a great time to buy. Prices in Osceola County have adjusted downwards, which has opened the door for buyers who were previously shut out. So the drop in pric...