Introduction to Commercial Leases | Types of Leases
By Jennifer Mackay, Your Bay County Florida Realtor 850.774.6582
(Counts Real Estate Group, Inc.)
Types of Leases The expense terminology in leases identifies who is responsible for the payment of operating expenses. Under a gross lease, the owner pays all the expenses associated with the operation and maintaining the property. The tenant pays the owner a gross amount for rent. From this amount, the owner then pays the operating expenses (property taxes, insurance, maintenance, utilities, janitorial and security costs).In a net lease, the tenant pays all or some of the operating expenses. However, the lease terms should be examined carefully, as the definition of net leases varies from market to market.For a given level of rent, owners clearly prefer to pass on as much responsibility for operating expenses to tenants as possible. However, the extent to which owners and tenants share...