Seychelles July 2018 Market Report
By Scott Pope, You Can't Live Without Water™
(Nautical Properties)
Since 1/1/2015, a total of 76 units have sold in Seychelles to date (2015, 15 units; 2016, 17; 2017, 30; 2018, 14). The turnover of ownership is close to 10% per annum. Sales in 2017 almost equaled all of the previous two years combined. This year's pace is falling short of last year.This year one bedroom units are averaging $233,200. The low was $222K and the high was $245K. The last two sales were both at $245K bought with cash whereas all the other sales were by conventional financing.Prices have jumped by $23K for one bedroom units since May of this year which is an amazing 10% increase. The latest listing is at $259K, pushing for another 5.5% in less than a month.Three three bedroom condos have sold for $415,000 in January for cash; $424,900 in June for cash; and $440,900 in late ...