Home Inspections on Lake Nona Estates Million Dollar Homes
By Eve Alexander, Exclusively Representing ONLY Tampa Home Buyers
(Buyers Broker of Florida )
Home Inspections on Lake Nona Estates Million Dollar Homes Multi-Million Dollar Lake Nona Homes are not inspected the same as a typical house sale...a general home inspector is just the beginning. In a 10,000 square foot home not only are there are elevators, extra fireplaces, wine rooms, gas lamps, waterworks, electronic gadgets, and complicated convenience items...but there may also be auxiliary services placed in the wings of the attic. Here are just 3 important extra inspections to be done on Large Homes or Million Dollar Homes: 1. Air Conditioner Contractor: A house may have 6 or more a/c units; all different makes and models with complicated electronic air filters which may be outside the expertise of a general home inspector, who typically does a cursory examination. 2. Poo...