"Town of Kantz" in North Fort Myers being developed by Joe Bonora
By Aslan Realty Advisors, LLC, Staying a step ahead with Pride!
On Sept 19, 2023 Tad Yeatter and Randall Henderson, individually and as Trustees' of the the Yeatter Henderson Brooks Road Trust sold four tracts of land within the "Town of Kantz" located in North Fort Myers for $2,000,000 to the Brooks Road QOZB LLC c/o Joseph Bonora.The transaction was handled by Henderson Franklin Law Firm-Attorney Thomas Gunderson.Parcel Identification Numbers:02-44-24-03-0000B.0320 02-44-24-03-0000B.0010 02-44-24-03-00001.021002-44-24-03-00001.0200 *The property was originally called "The Town Of Kantz", as recorded in the Official Records of Lee County.Plat Book 1 @ Page 19.