Is Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Done??
By Mike Norvell Sr, Norvell Consulting Group
(Morris Williams Realty)
Hello...what is going on in the mortgage world. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are publically traded stock companies. What kind of reasoning is taking these stocks lower and lower?? Speculation is creating a run on the bank so to speak. When Wall Street puts a target on your stock, the market makers will create some action. Many people don't know you can make money on a stock falling as well as going up. That is what is happening. I read that less than one percent of their loans are failing, yet we have a near collape of the system because the talking heads on the daily financial news shows have put it in the spotlight. Never mind that the stock holders are loosing thier shorts, thier life savings in some instances. We have an investor who says he will buy a commercial building in town a...