It is the journey that is most important, not the destination...
By Colleen Irwin, Creative Real Estate Solutions...
Everyone thinks that Mother's Day is a Sunday in May. It is not. It is every day. Some days are more special than others, but it is most definitely not just one day.Most people put so much importance on a specific day or event. This Mother's Day is going to be special because I will do x. But it is those quiet moments with your child it that are completely unplanned that make that moment the best Mother's Day ever -- even if it October 16th....The picture on the right is an old one, my son is going to be 12 in July. I think Nick was 3... That Mother's Day I got a rock painted with blue tempera paint and a poem on a piece of paper with him signing it Nick. I realized that Nicholas was going to be Nick. That is the first time I saw him write his name. Even if I called him Nico. ...