Bethlehem (Bonifay, FL)
By Captain Wayne - Rowlett Real Estate School, Rowlett Real Estate School / Owner and Instructor
(Rowlett Real Estate School)
  If you are looking to buy a home or property, Country Living in the Bethlehem Community of Bonifay, Florida doesn't get any better than this. The quiet and peaceful little Bethlehem community lies just north of Bonifay, Florida. In the Bethlehem Community, the neighbors are friendly and always have time to stop and say hello or lend a helping hand when someones cow goes astray. Farm tractors can be seen plowing early spring gardens and clothes can still be seen hanging on the line. In the Bethlehem Community, most everyone plants a garden and enjoys swapping vegetables, homemade pies and jams. The land itself is beautiful and lush. Lots of Large live oaks give off inviting shade. Flowering crept myrtle, dogwoods and azaleas can be seen most everywhere. A lot of the property for sale ...
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By Captain Wayne - Rowlett Real Estate School, Rowlett Real Estate School / Owner and Instructor
(Rowlett Real Estate School)
Set an example, encourage your child to read at home. Your actions, not just your words, make an impression that could last a lifetime. Being involved in your children’s education helps them do well in school and improves the quality of your school.   Here are some suggestions on how to get started. Find the time to get involved; it makes a difference!   1.  Attend the open house at your child’s school and meet the teachers. 2.  Read everything that is sent home from school. Show your child you are well-informed. 3.  Return forms to the school promptly, because this enables us to provide services to the student. 4.  Get to know your child’s teachers and school principal by attending school meetings and parent-teacher conferences. 5.  Ask for copies of school policies (e.g., attendance,...
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By Jim Poole, Zero Down, USDA Purchase Loans, FHA 203(K) Rehab & VA Streamline Loans
No Money Down Rural Housing USDA Loans in Bonifay Florida are back and fully funded. The new sub-prime loans of today are the government backed or sponsored loans. The FHA Loan is one we are all familiar with but how many of you know about the USDA Rural Housing Loan.  Here's how it works 100% financing on homes located in certain geographical area's with borrower's who are in certain income ranges. That's it! Use this link to see if the property qualifies by falling into one of the designated geographical area's Remember when income qualifying to use the income of the ENTIRE family. Seller can pay up to 6% of buyers closing cost The 3.5% Guarantee Fee is included (Financed) in with the loan amount 100% of borrowers cash ...
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By Captain Wayne - Rowlett Real Estate School, Rowlett Real Estate School / Owner and Instructor
(Rowlett Real Estate School)
After a long trip to Louisiana and back, and an unexpected major break down on the way home, Captain Wayne and his Grandson Chris arrived back on the farm in Bonifay Florida well after midnight this past week with eight Scrapie Flock Certified lambs.  Settling down in the shade, you can see if you will look closely to the right of the lambs, "Cowboy", Captain Wayne's Great Pyrenees Dog, is laying between the lambs and the cows to keep them separated.  It didn't take long for Cowboy to get control of the situation. Captain Wayne plans to phase out his cows and raise Certified Ewe Lambs.  This starter group will begin to breed this fall.  Each female is capable of producing 2 babies per year.    ~Paula Stone
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By Paula Stone, Real Estate Agent
(Crystal Palms Realty)
7 Acres for sale in Bonifay Florida in the Bethlehem Community.  REDUCED TO $25,000.00 If its Country living your looking for, in the quiet Bethlehem Community of Bonifay Florida, you will love this property in Holmes County and its location. This is 7 acres of vacant land for sale that is full Nice Shade trees. A little wet weather creek runs through the property.  This land will make a perfect home site.  This Vacant land for sale in Bonifay Florida is wooded, has never been developed, but has a nice large clearing in the front and back of the property.  This property fronts approximately 300 feet on Bethlehem Church Road.  Bonifay Florida is a great place to live and this is an excellent spot if your looking to have a few cows or horses.  There is a little community church just down ...
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Bonifay, FL Real Estate Professionals