
Middlesex County, CT Real Estate News

By George Souto, Your Connecticut Mortgage Expert
(George Souto NMLS #65149 )
Martin Luther King, Jr. was a man who deserves to be honored and respected.  Today is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, is a day very worthy of being celebrated.   Martin Luther King, Jr. deserves this honor and much, much more.  The opportunities many have today are a result of Martin Luther King, Jr. vision and work.Martin Luther King, Jr. had a dream not for himself but for all mankind.  A dream of equality, freedom, and justice.  Nothing Martin Luther King, Jr. did centered on himself, it all centered on others.  His life was one of service to others unconditionally.As a young boy from a different country, Martin Luther King, Jr. taught me a major life lesson, one that I learned very early in my life.  He taught me not only to dream, but to fully expect the dream to be fulfilled.  No mat...
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By George Souto, Your Connecticut Mortgage Expert
(George Souto NMLS #65149 )
I just want to take this opportunity to say Happy New Year 2025 to all my friends here on ActiveRain.  I have been blessed to know several of you for many years, and have been blessed with new ActiveRain friends this year as well.  I am all set to kick off 2025, and leave 2024 behind.  I am looking forward to the new challenges 2025 brings us, and hope the same for all of you. Life is to short to waist a precious minute of it.  Be thankful for what you have, and enjoy every minute of it. I look forward to reading each and everyone of your blogs, and hope you put up with my comments in 2025.  Stay Safe This New Years Eve&Party Safely!!!Happy New Year 2025!!!  
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By George Souto, Your Connecticut Mortgage Expert
(George Souto NMLS #65149 )
Merry Christmas To All My ActiveRain Friends In 2024 Today is Christmas, and Christmas has always been a day my wife and I have spent with our two sons, but now that my sons no longer live in CT we have had to get a little creative in celebrating Christmas.My youngest son and his wife now live in Manassas, VA. and drove to CT Monday.  They alternate Christmas Eve and Christmas between us, and his wife's parents.  This year is our year for Christmas Eve.  So yesterday we had our traditional Christmas or Christmas Eve meal with them of stuffed jumbo shrimp, filet mignon, and twice baked potatoes.After our meal we FaceTimed with my oldest son, and my gorgeous granddaughter, Elizabeth who live in Bonney Lake, WA.  While FaceTiming we opened Christmas present we sent each other.  This is not...
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By George Souto, Your Connecticut Mortgage Expert
(George Souto NMLS #65149 )
Happy Thanksgiving 2024!I hope that everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving today.   Do not let the day go by without taking a few minutes to truly give thanks for all you have been blessed with, and if possible take the opportunity to be a blessing to someone else.  Today should not only be a day of giving thanks in word, but in giving thanks in deed as well.Happy Thanksgiving From My House To Yours!!! 
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By George Souto, Your Connecticut Mortgage Expert
(George Souto NMLS #65149 )
Fall Has come and gone in Connecticut, which means it is time for me to conclude  my Progression Of Fall Colors series I started twelve years ago.  This is a series I hoped to continue for many years, and have been able to do so far, however, this year I started about a week to late. The first two years of this series, the pictures were of a farm which is only about a minute walk from my house.  Ten years ago I decided to change the location for the 2014 Progression Of Fall Color Series to a lake about 5 minutes from my house on RT17.  I tried that location for two years, but the colors were not as good as I expected them to be.  So eight years ago I decided to change locations again to a site at Lyman's Orchards in Middlefield, CT.  But once again that site did not produce the colors I...
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By George Souto, Your Connecticut Mortgage Expert
(George Souto NMLS #65149 )
Today is Veterans Day 2024, A Day To Honor Our Veterans, and our Men and Women who are serving in our Armed Forces.I hope that everyone takes a moment out of there day to say thank you to either a Veteran they know, or one of the Men and Women presently serving.  It only takes a minute to do this, but the impact and meaning it has on the one you say thank you to is greater than you can imagine. Those who have served our country did so willingly and without expectation of anything in return.  They did it for the honor of serving the land of opportunity, and to secure the freedoms we enjoy.Many restaurants throughout the Country will be honoring our Veterans with free meals, and discounts.  So let us join all the organization who are honoring our Veterans today and show our appreciation a...
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By George Souto, Your Connecticut Mortgage Expert
(George Souto NMLS #65149 )
Fall Has arrived once again in Connecticut, which means it is time for me to begin my Progression Of Fall Colors series I started twelve years ago.  This is a series I hoped to continue for many years, and have been able to do so far, however, this year I have started maybe a week to late. The first two years of this series, the pictures were of a farm which is only about a minute walk from my house.  Ten years ago I decided to change the location for the 2014 Progression Of Fall Color Series to a lake about 5 minutes from my house on RT17.  I tried that location for two years, but the colors were not as good as I expected them to be.  So eight years ago I decided to change locations again to a site at Lyman's Orchards in Middlefield, CT.  But once again that site did not produce the co...
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By George Souto, Your Connecticut Mortgage Expert
(George Souto NMLS #65149 )
Fall Has arrived once again in Connecticut, which means it is time for me to begin my Progression Of Fall Colors series I started twelve years ago.  This is a series I hoped to continue for many years, and have been able to do so far, however, this year I have started maybe a week to late. The first two years of this series, the pictures were of a farm which is only about a minute walk from my house.  Ten years ago I decided to change the location for the 2014 Progression Of Fall Color Series to a lake about 5 minutes from my house on RT17.  I tried that location for two years, but the colors were not as good as I expected them to be.  So eight years ago I decided to change locations again to a site at Lyman's Orchards in Middlefield, CT.  But once again that site did not produce the co...
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By George Souto, Your Connecticut Mortgage Expert
(George Souto NMLS #65149 )
Fall Has arrived once again in Connecticut, which means it is time for me to begin my Progression Of Fall Colors series I started twelve years ago.  This is a series I hoped to continue for many years, and have been able to do so far, however, this year I have started maybe a week to late. The first two years of this series, the pictures were of a farm which is only about a minute walk from my house.  Ten years ago I decided to change the location for the 2014 Progression Of Fall Color Series to a lake about 5 minutes from my house on RT17.  I tried that location for two years, but the colors were not as good as I expected them to be.  So eight years ago I decided to change locations again to a site at Lyman's Orchards in Middlefield, CT.  But once again that site did not produce the co...
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By George Souto, Your Connecticut Mortgage Expert
(George Souto NMLS #65149 )
Fall Has arrived once again in Connecticut, which means it is time for me to begin my Progression Of Fall Colors series I started twelve years ago.  This is a series I hoped to continue for many years, and have been able to do so far, however, this year I have started maybe a week to late. The first two years of this series, the pictures were of a farm which is only about a minute walk from my house.  Ten years ago I decided to change the location for the 2014 Progression Of Fall Color Series to a lake about 5 minutes from my house on RT17.  I tried that location for two years, but the colors were not as good as I expected them to be.  So eight years ago I decided to change locations again to a site at Lyman's Orchards in Middlefield, CT.  But once again that site did not produce the c...
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By George Souto, Your Connecticut Mortgage Expert
(George Souto NMLS #65149 )
Fall Has arrived once again in Connecticut, which means it is time for me to begin my Progression Of Fall Colors series I started twelve years ago.  This is a series I hoped to continue for many years, and have been able to do so far, however, this year I have started maybe a week to late. The first two years of this series, the pictures were of a farm which is only about a minute walk from my house.  Ten years ago I decided to change the location for the 2014 Progression Of Fall Color Series to a lake about 5 minutes from my house on RT17.  I tried that location for two years, but the colors were not as good as I expected them to be.  So eight years ago I decided to change locations again to a site at Lyman's Orchards in Middlefield, CT.  But once again that site did not produce the c...
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By George Souto, Your Connecticut Mortgage Expert
(George Souto NMLS #65149 )
Fall Has arrived once again in Connecticut, which means it is time for me to begin my Progression Of Fall Colors series I started twelve years ago.  This is a series I hoped to continue for many years, and have been able to do so far, however, this year I have started maybe a week to late. The first two years of this series, the pictures were of a farm which is only about a minute walk from my house.  Ten years ago I decided to change the location for the 2014 Progression Of Fall Color Series to a lake about 5 minutes from my house on RT17.  I tried that location for two years, but the colors were not as good as I expected them to be.  So eight years ago I decided to change locations again to a site at Lyman's Orchards in Middlefield, CT.  But once again that site did not produce the co...
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By George Souto, Your Connecticut Mortgage Expert
(George Souto NMLS #65149 )
I have sharing what I remember most about 9/11 here on ActiveRain since 2012, and have made a commitment to share this memory each and every year on September 11, so today once again I am honoring my commitment with this blog. September 11, 2001 is a day I will never forget!  It is a day forever imprinted on my heart and mind.   September 11, 2001 is a day each of us has a special reason why this day will forever be remembered.  September 11, 2001 is a day we will not only forever remember the vicious attack on our country, but also a day to honor those who lost there lives.  It is a day for us to reflect on the memories, and thoughts which went through our mines as the events of September 11, 2001 unfolded 20 years ago. Below is my special memory of that day, it is an event which hit ...
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By George Souto, Your Connecticut Mortgage Expert
(George Souto NMLS #65149 )
Labor Day this year in CT is a bright, sunny day for a second year in a row, which means a great day for all the Labor Day plans that have been made.  For me the only thing I have planned for today is to just get some extra sleep and rest. Normally we plan on having the family over and putting some food on the grill.  But now that my two sons live in different states, it is just my wife and I.  So we are going to keep it simple and put a rack of St Louis style ribs on the grill, and enjoy a late lunch, early dinner together. I hope that each and everyone of you spend this Labor Day doing what you enjoy, you have earned it.  Whatever you do make sure this is a safe and happy Holiday for you and your family!!! Happy Labor Day 2024!!!
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By George Souto, Your Connecticut Mortgage Expert
(George Souto NMLS #65149 )
Last week our Weekly ActiveRain ZOOM Meeting ended with a homework assignment.  We were all given the challenge of creating an AI photo of any style home with something looking out a window.  Once we created the photo we were to write a blog with our results. I used NightCafe which Paddy Deighan has been instructing us on, to create my photos.  However, I am not happy with my results after SEVERAL attempts.  It was frustrating, because no matter what I instructed NightCafe to create, the results came out different.  Obviously I need A LOT more practice on how I word my requests! I asked NightCafe to create a one level high modern luxury ranch style house with children looking out a large bay window at their parents who are walking outside the house.  Below are my two best attempts:As yo...
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By George Souto, Your Connecticut Mortgage Expert
(George Souto NMLS #65149 )
Happy 4th of July 2024 to all my ActiveRain friends.  Tomorrow is the 4th of July, and my wife will be traveling to my nephew's house in RI for a family cookout.  My youngest son and his wife will also becoming up from Mananas, VA, and will spend the weekend with us. We don't get many opportunities to get the family together, so these family get together's are very special.  Everyone brings a side dish or desert, and my nephew normally provides the hot dogs and hamburgers.  This year I will also be bring buffalo chicken blue cheese patties that a local grocery store has just started making.  I cooked one on the grill last week and it was amazing. Hopefully all of you will also have a very special Happy 4th of July, and spend quality time with your family and friends, or maybe just sit ...
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By George Souto, Your Connecticut Mortgage Expert
(George Souto NMLS #65149 )
This month Kath Streib and Wanda Kubat-Nerdin are hosting the June ActiveRain Challenge titled "Fork It Over: June ActiveRain Recipe Challenge".  Even though it is a cooking challenge, and I am not much of a good cook, I can grill, so even I am able to participate in this challenge.My wife and I love the way food cooked on an outdoor grill tastes, so during the Summer months we cook on our Weber gas grill as much as possible.  One of the simple  dishes we cook on the grill (by we, I mean me) is chicken shish kebabs.  We will do various chicken shish kebabs throughout the Summer, but our favorite is chicken shish kebabs we marinate in Italian salad dressing.  Even though this is a simple receipt, it does take a little planning, because you need to allow time for the chicken to marinate i...
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By George Souto, Your Connecticut Mortgage Expert
(George Souto NMLS #65149 )
Tomorrow is Father's Day 2024 and it will be a good one.  It will start off with going to church, followed by going to lunch at a favorite restaurant with my wife.  Later tomorrow evening I will get to FaceTime with my oldest son, and gorgeous granddaughter.  It is not the same as being together, but it is the next best thing.I hope the rest of the fathers reading this blog get to spend their Father's Day 2024 in their own special way.  Enjoy it, and appreciate the blessings you are so fortunate to have. 
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By George Souto, Your Connecticut Mortgage Expert
(George Souto NMLS #65149 )
Kathy Streib and Debe Maxwell are hosting this month's ActiveRain Challenge titled "Why Choose Me?"  This should be a simple challenge, but I have never felt comfortable talking about myself.  I have always felt that if you do an excellent job for your clients they will do the talking for you, and that is how I have build my business over the last 18 plus years.Since I feel that way, in submitting an entry into this challenge I could post several 5 Star Reviews I have received over the years, but instead I have decided to take advantage of another ActiveRain Challenge in 2013.  In 2013 long time ActiveRain Member, Debbie Reynolds, hosted an ActiveRain Challenged titled "Endorse a Fellow ActiveRain Member".  For this challenge we were asked to write a letter of recommendation for another...
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By George Souto, Your Connecticut Mortgage Expert
(George Souto NMLS #65149 )
Today is 2024 Memorial Day In Middletown, CT.  Memorial Day is a day our Country has set aside to honor the fallen men and women who have served in our Armed Forces, and put their lives on the line to ensure the freedoms we have.Memorial Day has also become a time where families get together for picnics and family fun.  Some may even attend a local parades or participate in one.  Whatever you do today I hope a part of the day is spent on reflecting upon the meaning of this day, and those who we honor.  For many today will involve traveling a fair distance to be with family and friends.  So my annual messages has become the one above, and hope today will be a day free of accidents and loss of lives.  I Hope Everyone Has A SafeAndEnjoyable 2024 Memorial Day!!! 
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