An Afternoon at the Prospect CT Sock Hop and Car
By Ed Silva, 203-206-0754, Central CT Real Estate Broker Serving all equally
(Mapleridge Realty, CT 203-206-0754 )
An Afternoon at the Prospect CT Sock Hop and Car Last weekend was the sock Hop and Car show in the center of Prospect CT, and it was a rousing success. Over 850 cars of all types were there and the procession of people viewing the cars was nonstop.Ther were all types of cars and trucks and several special interest autos that gathered a lot of attention.To me, this 1911 Packard Model 50 was the attention grabber as it was found in a barn in Greenwich CT and originally had been purchased by Jacob Ruppert, owner of a brewing company and a baseball team called the Yankees.It was a National Prize winner at the AACA show in Hershey PA as were a[[ manner of classics from the 50's, 60's and 70's. One car that had a large following was a 58 Corvette that was still owned by the original...