Can You Still Buy Your First Home in the South Denver Suburbs?
By Steve Scheer, Highlands Ranch Real Estate - Denver Real Estate
(Realty Oasis - Metro Brokers)
With the increase of the price of homes over the last several years and perhaps the economic crunch hitting savings a bit, can this really be done? Perhaps. It depends on you. If you have been planning for this, keeping your debt low and credit history excellent then you really can buy your first home here. Of course, what I run into often are people not satisfied with needing to start out in anything less than what mom and dad have, or friends, etc… This is where you need to look hard at the magic reality mirror and ask yourself what you can comfortably afford. I always say that it is better to hop on at the caboose than to miss the whole train. Owning your home and building equity over time can do amazing things for your life. But you may need to buy something less than you imagi...