Holy Cross Abbey Winery in Canon City Colorado
By Dena Stevens, Putting The Real Into Realtor Since 2004
(Rocky Mountain Realty )
Since July of 2002 The winery at the Holy Cross Abbey has been attracting visitors for its award winning wines and tasting room. The winery sits on the same grounds as the Holy Cross Abbey. For those interested in wine this winery is getting high marks and is worth your time on your way to The Royal Gorge Bridge. Wines available : Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc, Riesling, Chardonnay,Syrah. Located at 3011 E. Hwy 50 Canon City Co 81212 the winery is well marked and easy to access. For more information on The Holy Cross Abbey in Canon CityAwards: http://www.abbeywinery.com/ 2004 Syrah - Gold Medal - 2007 Tasters Guild International2005 Cabernet Franc - Gold medal - 2007 Tasters Guild International2005 Chardonnay - Silver Medal - 2007 Tasters Guild Interna...