24 hours in Breckenridge, CO
By Susanna Haynie, Colorado Springs Realtor GRI CNE MCNE ePro MRP
(CO-RE Group, LLC -Real estate sales and services)
We were both elated when our friends invited us for an overnight stay in Breckenridge. Breckenridge is only a short 1.5 hours away from Colorado Springs, how could we resist this offer? It was short, but still a much appreciated break. Nails, sushi, brunch - Yardsale stop in Alma at the Montessori school there where we scored 2 brandnew ski boots for me and our daughter Anna. Sounds like a perfect weekend to me?! On top of that I received a phonecall from another Realtor, that her clients liked my listing and that she would write up an offer today. Not bad. Worked so hard last week, I deserved it, I 'd like to add. :-) Originally Posted: http://www.tellyouaboutit.com/2013/07/24-hrs-in-breckenridge.html