What is the Four Way Test? You probably would not know unless you are a Rotarian what the "Four way test" is. It is a code of conduct for all Rotarians and it goes like this: •1. Is it the truth? •2. Is it fair to all concerned? •3. Will it build good will and friendship? •4. Will it be beneficial to all concerned? Herbert J. Taylor, president, Rotary Club of Chicago, 1939-40 and Rotary International 1954-55. He lived from 1893 to 1978. During a business crisis in 1932, he wrote the "Four Way Test," shown below. It was adopted as part of Rotary International in January of 1943. Today, all Rotarians live by this test in the performance of their business. Rotary is a service club and provides service and aid to domestic and International communities. O...