
Villa Park, CA Real Estate News

By Lesslie Giacobbi
(Seven Gables Real Estate)
The August 20, 2009 Newsletter has been published to the Villa Park Rotary website. A copy has been included below. You may also read it on-line by visiting         "All the News that's Fit to Print"         Oktoberfest is 50 days Away- Get Hoppin' !!   Another beautiful day in Villa Park and we began our day with an invocation by Jim Brodsky, flag salute sans flag by Teri Brooks, and another rousing version of "Roll Out The Barrell' led by President-Elect Greg Mills.   Guests: Ken Caplin- New Assistant Governor Stan Van Denberg Craig Beinlich Anthony Bui Nagi Ibraham- who officially announced he will be rejoining our club   Announcements: This Saturday- August 22nd- 8:00 Am Tree Nursery/ shed party at  the Serrano Water District on L...
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By Lesslie Giacobbi
(Seven Gables Real Estate)
The August 13, 2009 Newsletter has been published to the Villa Park Rotary website. A copy has been included below. You may also read it on-line by visiting   Get Ready for Oktoberfest Wednesday October 7th at the Phoenix Club   The day began with an eloquent invocation by Bill Baker, the Pledge of Allegiance led by the group and a rousing rendition, one of many to come by the way, of "Roll Out the Barrell" led by Greg Mills.  Guests: Nagi Ibraham - 3rd visit--Resident of Villa Park Lorie McRoberts- from Quicksilver - a guest of Bryan Nash Stan Van DenBerg- a guest of Jim Glenn Dick Knaus- from Orange Juliana Ditty- visiting from Nevada City   Birthdays/Anniversaries: Jim Brodsky celebrated a birthday on Catalina- playing and fishing ...
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By Lesslie Giacobbi
(Seven Gables Real Estate)
You may also read it on-line by visiting     "All the News thats Fit to Print"   Villa Park: The Hidden Jewel   Our morning began with an inspirational invocation by Chanda Parret,  the Pledge of Allegiance by Brad Reese and "America the Beautiful" led by songbird Teri Brooks.   Guests: Craig Beinlich- up for membership Nagi Ibraham- hoping to rejoin the club after moving to the Newport Sunrise Club. Sarah McJunkin- from Nohl Ranch Inn-contacted the club through our website Brian Kalchman for N2 Publications.  Annoucements: Tom Davis- Tree Work Party- August 22nd Saturday 9 AM-  need volunteers                   Tree watering needed next week- Bryan Nash volunteered Pam Dunn-  August 29th Clam Bake at Emerald Bay- need some volunteers...
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By Lesslie Giacobbi
(Seven Gables Real Estate)
"All The News That's Fit To Print and Some Not So Fit to Print" We opened this weeks meeting with a very touching prayer by Bob Bell who thanked everyone who attended Charlotte's Funeral. Our heartfelt sympathies to Bob and his family.  Steven Pollack then led us in the Pledge of Allegiance and Greg Mills got the Oktoberfest mood going with our first "Roll Out the Barrel" of the season.                                                            Visitors This Week Brian Kalchman from the new Villa Park Magazine, Steve Lopushinsky who will be leaving this Sunday to serve as photographer for backabuddy's fundraising ride in South Africa, Botswana and Zimbabwe(more details were available in a handout), Kenny Nash who came from Tampa, Florida to spend the week with his brother, Bryan Nash at...
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By Lesslie Giacobbi
(Seven Gables Real Estate)
The July 2, 2009 Newsletter has been published to the Villa Park Rotary website. A copy has been included below. You may also read it on-line by visiting        Mighty Mitochondria Today's meeting began with an invocation by George Poulos and Flag Salute by Linda Bartrom.  We then attempted to sing the National Anthem and as usual by the time we hit the part about the Rockets Red Glare we lost it.     Our Greeter Ken Fischer announced our guests and then Eric Sense did birthdays and anniversaries -  Selia Poulos and Terry Applebaum both celebrated birthdays.   No secret greeter came forward   Happy Bucks: Frequent visitor Steve Lopushinsky told us he is going to participate in a 200 mile Bike Safari  in South Africa as the official ph...
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By Lesslie Giacobbi
(Seven Gables Real Estate)
"All the News that's Fit to Print and some not so fit" Vitamin D3 the Superstar of Cancer Prevention; Thermography more sensitive and earlier indicator of Breast Cancer than Mammograms Our meeting began as President Joe Brand gonged the bell at 7:15.   We opened with a simple invocation bv Paul Hudson who asked use to invoke Kindness. Amen to that.  Linda Bartrom then led us in the Pledge of Allegiance and we sang Row Row Row Your Boat in a round... well almost.   Happy Bucks -Milt Stamos and Steve Stern settled a bet on the recent Yankees vs Angel series.  The Angels swept the Yankees in all three games- Steve actually brought in a broom to punctuate the wins. Milt cried foul citing that the Yankees were distracted by all the lovely California ladies in the stands. Sylvan  Swarz repor...
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By Lesslie Giacobbi
(Seven Gables Real Estate)
       Mighty Mitochondria Today's meeting began with an invocation by George Poulos and Flag Salute by Linda Bartrom.  We then attempted to sing the National Anthem and as usual by the time we hit the part about the Rockets Red Glare we lost it.     Our Greeter Ken Fischer announced our guests and then Eric Sense did birthdays and anniversaries -  Selia Poulos and Terry Applebaum both celebrated birthdays.   No secret greeter came forward   Happy Bucks: Frequent visitor Steve Lopushinsky told us he is going to participate in a 200 mile Bike Safari  in South Africa as the official photographer Ken Meyer reported that his wife, Angel will be completing her Iraqi deployment with the Army in 27 days. Pam Dunn - announced that an anymous club member donated $300 to cover the cost of one ca...
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By Lesslie Giacobbi
(Seven Gables Real Estate)
       Mighty Mitochondria Today's meeting began with an invocation by George Poulos and Flag Salute by Linda Bartrom.  We then attempted to sing the National Anthem and as usual by the time we hit the part about the Rockets Red Glare we lost it.     Our Greeter Ken Fischer announced our guests and then Eric Sense did birthdays and anniversaries -  Selia Poulos and Terry Applebaum both celebrated birthdays.   No secret greeter came forward   Happy Bucks: Frequent visitor Steve Lopushinsky told us he is going to participate in a 200 mile Bike Safari  in South Africa as the official photographer Ken Meyer reported that his wife, Angel will be completing her Iraqi deployment with the Army in 27 days. Pam Dunn - announced that an anymous club member donated $300 to cover the cost of one ca...
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By Lesslie Giacobbi
(Seven Gables Real Estate)
Exotics, Vintage, Restored, Rods and Show Cars       Photos courtesy of Photographer &Villa Park Rotarian Mark Schmidt. On Saturday, May 10th, the Villa Park Instrumental Music Program held its 6th annual car and bike show.  Admission is free to lookers and it's a wonderful way to see some fabulous cars, wild bikes, and eat breakfast or lunch at the event.  This year there were 130 entrants who paid of fee of between $30. and $35.00 to exhibit and show their cars or bikes.  There was a very eclectic collection of vehicles of all types and ages at the show with all sorts of awards.    The chief judge of the event was John Marconi of the Marconi Family Car Museum in Tustin.  Other dignitaries included the mayor of Villa Park, plus Directors and Principals, and all gave out awards.    Just...
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By Ron Holborn, Commercial & SFR, Anaheim CA, Real Estate & Short
(Short Sales, Foreclosures, Rentals, Income Real Estate)
GREAT REPO DEAL in VILLA PARK !!! PRICE $ 608,900         Two story home has 4 bdrms and 3 bths and is located in a cul-de-sac.  Large curved driveway w/possible RV access.  Separate formal dining room w/vaulted ceilings.  Family room w/fireplace opens to kitchen.  One bdrm and full bth downstairs.  Open Master bdrm w/fireplace and large walk-in closet. Large backyard features a rock pool and spa.  All contracts/offers are subject to IndyMac Banks senior management approval.  Sq. ft. apprx: 2490, lot 13.500.  Contact Ron to take a look !!
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By Lesslie Giacobbi
(Seven Gables Real Estate)
Have you heard about the Villa Park Rotary?  The following link will take you to a short video clip with Lesslie Giacobbi and two other Rotary members, Dan and Paul, who talk about the club.  If you have any questions or comments please feel free to contact us or you can leave comments for us!   Villa Park Rotary Video
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By Lesslie Giacobbi
(Seven Gables Real Estate)
The owner of the house had met Lesslie at an open house, and then was "taken" with Lesslie's traditional spring letter, "Stop and Smell the Roses", and asked Lesslie and the Giacobbi group to meet with her.  The Giacobbi group is now representing the owner of the property , who wants to sell it ASAP.  There are many terms and conditions that apply to the sale, and a Seven Gables Real Estate sign has been posted on the property.  The listing is an exclusive listing with Lesslie and the Giacobbi Group representing the seller with a goal of the seller netting the most possible.  A flier box is located at the property with all of the terms and conditions that the seller requires, and fliers are also available at the Villa Park City Hall.   The seller has requested that all offers be in the ...
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By Lesslie Giacobbi
(Seven Gables Real Estate)
Not a Public Nuisance-Yet!  The Villa Park City Council in a Special Meeting held March 11, 2008, unanimously voted for a continue the time for a public hearing on the "red tagged" property  owned by the Maloneys, on Center Drive until March 25th.  The Villa Park property was red tagged and declared uninhabitable for overnight occupancy  (because of filth, debris, accumulation of cat feces, areas with no running water and semi operational baths and toilets).   If declared a public nuisance on March 25, 2008, the Maloneys will have 30 days to clean up the house or they could face a lien.  Should the property be transferred, any new owner would have the responsibility to clean up the property.  Click to read more about this property, view pictures and watch an ABC Channel 7 news clip
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Here is the Home Inventory for Villa Park. Each week we take a snapshot of the market. This Altos Research Real-time Market Profile (TM) is the most up-to date market information available. The Profile shows you not only pricing and market numbers, but also trends in those numbers.       THIS WEEKThe median single family home price in VILLA PARK this week is $1500000. The Market Action Index has been trending down lately, while inventory and days-on-market are climbing. The trends imply a weakening market.PRICEThe market seems to have paused around this plateau. The Market Action Index is a good leading indicator for the durability of this trend.SUPPLY AND DEMANDLocal conditions are currently quite strongly in the Buyer's Market zone (below 30). The 90-day Market Action Index stands at ...
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Here is the most Up To Date Market Trends for Villa Park. Each week we take a snapshot of the market. This Altos Research Real-time Market Profile (TM) is the most up-to date market information available. The Profile shows you not only pricing and market numbers, but also trends in those numbers.   THIS WEEKThe median single family home price in VILLA PARK this week is $1595000.The Market Action Index has been trending down lately, while inventory is climbing. These trends imply a weakening market.PRICEThe market continues its bounce again this week. We're a long way from the market's high point so watch the Market Action Index as a  leading indicator for how long this trend will last.SUPPLY AND DEMANDLocal conditions are currently quite strongly in the Buyer's Market zone (below 30). T...
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