There's a New Starbucks in Tracy, CA!
By Susan Goulding, Northern CA - Tracy & Mountain House Real Estate
(Crown Key Realty, Inc; Tracy & Mountain House Sales and Property Management)
There's a New Starbucks in Tracy, CA! It opened 2 weeks ago and in the mornings has a line out the door. Unfortunately there is no drive through at this location. Down here on the south side of Tracy, CA there has been nothing for years. Last year Red Maple Village opened with Raley's as it's anchor store. There is a Chase, Wells Fargo, Chillaberres, Subway, Taqueria, Queen Bee Nail Salon, Medifast, Great Clips, a dentist and NOW finally a STARBUCKS. I'm not a coffee drinker, so I didn't think a Starbucks opening 4 blocks from my house would be an impact on my world. Was I wrong! There are people in there all the time, I guess this is typical for a Starbucks. Drinking coffee, sitting at tables with thier laptops, there is a cooperate looking conference table for 12, and ta...