Tracy Unfied School District 2011- 2012 Calendar - Tracy, CA
By Susan Goulding, Northern CA - Tracy & Mountain House Real Estate
(Crown Key Realty, Inc; Tracy & Mountain House Sales and Property Management)
Tracy Unified School District will have the following days off during the 2011 - 2012 school year. Please notice that on Monday's all schools have a shortened day due to "teacher" meetings. These are called Early Release Mondays. (E) of the calendar. Once school starts, students will have Labor Day off, then there won't be another holiday until October 24th. There is a minimum day on October 7th. The difference between Early Release and a Minimum Day is the time students get out. Early Release students get out about 1:40, Minimum Days students get out around 12:30. For more information you can call your school or go to the Tracy Unified District website. I have 2 students at Kimball, and have spent the last 18 years with students in the TUSD school district. If you have questions, c...