
Sonoma, CA Real Estate News

By Kelley Eling, Realtor Extraordinaire
(Fathom Realty Group)
As of March 8, 2008 13% of available listings in the beautiful Northern California Wine Country town of Sonoma are in escrow.For the month of February 2008, 16 homes sold in Sonoma for an average final selling price of $1,174,531.The average original asking price of these homes was $1,250,363.It took these homes an average of 125 days to sell.Of the 16 homes that sold, 3 sold at their original asking price and all others sold for less.For more information about this area, visit my website, or feel free to contact me directly.
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By Jane Hansen
(Coldwell Banker DeAnza Realty)
Isn't it amazing what the sunshine can do to lift the spirits?  A couple of sunny days in the 60s and I'm feeling good in Sonoma, CA.  What's the weather where you are now? 
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By Kelley Eling, Realtor Extraordinaire
(Fathom Realty Group)
The chart below shows that the average sales price for the beautiful Northern California Wine Country town of Sonoma varies widely from month to month depending on, of course, if higher priced or more moderately priced homes have sold in any given month.  The volume for January 2008 was the same as for December and January of 2007.  Overall, down, with great deals to be had for the smart buyers who are making the best of this slow market. If you have any questions, or would like to make the best of this slow market like other smart buyers, please contact me at your earliest opportunity.
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By Kelley Eling, Realtor Extraordinaire
(Fathom Realty Group)
As of February 2, 2008 only 11% of available listings in the beautiful wine country town of Sonoma are in escrow.  And it is definitely a Buyer's Market.  For the month of January 2008 13 homes sold in Sonoma for an average final selling price of $966,812.The average original asking price of these homes was $985,638.It took these homes an average of 127 days to sell.Of the 13 homes that sold, 2 sold OVER the original asking price and all others sold for less.To learn more about this area, visit my website, or feel free to contact me directly.
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By Jane Hansen
(Coldwell Banker DeAnza Realty)
When I first heard about Active Rain and blogging I thought I would blog right away and on a regular basis.  I hit the blocks running and ...then...phew....that was it.  So, here is my attempt to get through the blog clog and flow once again.  I am sitting in our office on the Plaza in Sonoma, CA watching the cars and people go by.  Even though it is somewhat chilly the door is ajar to invite all the home buyers into the office.  Any second now they will all come pouring in and I'll have to abruptly end this blog.  There are actually some great deals to be had on Sonoma homes, but the buyers have gone underground.  I don't blame them for being cautious, but they have so much power right now.  I was on the other side of the equation when I was a buyer in 1998 here in Sonoma.  My husband ...
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By Kelley Eling, Realtor Extraordinaire
(Fathom Realty Group)
The chart below shows that average sales prices in Sonoma have been flat since 2005.  This is actually pretty impressive given all the bank-owned and short sale properties that have come on the market recently.  The high end remains strong, with lower and middle range homes moving slowly.  Although we are seeing some buyers recognizing what a "Buyer's Market" is and they are coming out of the woodwork to take advantage of the deals. If you are interested in learning more about this beautiful wine country town and how you can benefit from these slow times, do not hesitate to contact me directly.  There are people that need rescuing and you just might be their knight in shining armour! 
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By Kelley Eling, Realtor Extraordinaire
(Fathom Realty Group)
The chart below shows the month by month activity, from 2001 to present, the average sales price and the humber of homes sold in the beautiful town of Sonoma.  As you will see on this chart and again on the historical chart, prices are flat in the town of Sonoma.  Volume, on the other hand, is down.  And that is really affecting so many aspects of the local economy.  If you have been thinking about buying in the town of Sonoma, now is a great time to get a great deal!
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By Kelley Eling, Realtor Extraordinaire
(Fathom Realty Group)
As of January 5, 2008 a paltry 11% of available listings in the beautiful town of Sonoma are in escrow.  Across the board, what we've got here is a BUYER'S MARKET.For the month of December 2007 only 13 homes sold in Sonoma, for an average final selling price of $805,787.The average original asking price of these homes was $902,926.It took these homes an average of 98 days to sell.Of the 13 homes that sold, 2 sold AT the original asking price and 1 sold OVER.For more information about this area, visit my website, or feel free to contact me directly.
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By Kelley Eling, Realtor Extraordinaire
(Fathom Realty Group)
As the chart below shows, volume was at it's lowest in October of this year.  HOWEVER, only 3 homes have sold so far in the town of Sonoma for the month of December (yikes!) and only 10 more are pending.  December 2007 could down in history as the worst month in real estate history in this beautiful town.For more information about this area, visit my website, or feel free to contact me directly.
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By Kelley Eling, Realtor Extraordinaire
(Fathom Realty Group)
As of December 6, 2007 a paltry 9% of available listings in the beautiful town of Sonoma are in escrow.For the month of November 2007 25 homes sold in Sonoma (up from 14 in October), for an average final selling price of $871,074.The average original asking price of these homes was $942,600.It took these homes an average of 119 days to sell.Of the 25 homes that sold, 4 sold AT the original asking price and all others sold for less.It is truly a Buyer's Market.  To learn how you can benefit, contact me.Or, for more information about this area, click here.
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By Kelley Eling, Realtor Extraordinaire
(Fathom Realty Group)
Could it be that smart buyers are out and snapping up bank-owned, short sales and preforeclosure properties? If you look at the charts below, you will see that only 14 homes sold in Sonoma for the entire month of October.  And, here we are at November 19 and so far 14 homes have closed in this small town this month, with another 12 pending.  Also worth noting is that the average sold price is up so far for this month to $1,023,274 and the average price of the pending properties are at $1,172,292.  Could the town of Sonoma be starting to recuperate?  Believable after all, since the town of Sonoma is a pretty spectacular place!  Check back at the beginning of December for the entire month's update.
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By Kelley Eling, Realtor Extraordinaire
(Fathom Realty Group)
As of November 3, 2007 only 10% of available listings in the beautiful town of Sonoma are in escrow -- indicating a STRONG BUYER'S MARKET.  So, HELLO BUYERS, we want YOU in SONOMA!  Now is the time to get some really GREAT deals in this world-class town.For the month of October 2007 only 14 homes sold in Sonoma, for an average final selling price of $703,175.The average original asking price of these homes was $784,882.It took these homes an average of 107 days to sell.Of the 14 homes that sold, 2 sold AT their original asking price and all others sold for less.  So, come MAKE YOUR BEST OFFER!To learn more about this area, click here, or feel free to contact me directly.
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By Kelley Eling, Realtor Extraordinaire
(Fathom Realty Group)
The chart below shows, month by month, the average sales price and the number of homes sold in the beautiful town of Sonoma.  As you will see, volume is way down and truly a Buyer's Market.  I have said it before and I will say it again, "HELLO BUYERS, we want YOU in SONOMA!" 
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By Kelley Eling, Realtor Extraordinaire
(Fathom Realty Group)
As of October 4, 2007, only 10% of available listings in the town of Sonoma are in escrow.  This is definitely a Buyer's Market.  So, HELLO BUYERS, we want YOU in Sonoma!For the month of September 2007 only 19 homes sold in Sonoma for an average final selling price of $716,632.The average original asking price of these homes was $814, 074.It took these homes an average of 93 days to sell.Of the 19 homes that sold, 2 sold AT their original asking price and 1 sold OVER.For more information about this area, click here, or feel free to contact me directly.
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By Kelley Eling, Realtor Extraordinaire
(Fathom Realty Group)
As of September 7, 2007 13% of available listings in the town of Sonoma are in escrow.For the month of August 2007, 25 homes sold in the town of Sonoma for an average final selling price of $948,590. The average original asking price of these homes was $1,040,600.  It took these homes an average of 93 days to sell.Of the 25 homes that sold 2 sold AT their original asking price.  The others sold for less.For more information about this area, click here, or feel free to contact me directly.
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By Jane Hansen
(Coldwell Banker DeAnza Realty)
If heard that this is a good time for anyone who might be in Sonoma October 14th.  A great place to get ideas,  enjoy the wine country and have a delicious lunch.Wine Country Kitchen Tour Sunday, October 14, 2007   9:30-3:30pmTour six Sonoma Valley kitchens, selected for their architectural significance, decor, style, creative use of space and innovation, as well as their uniqueness.This year's selection includes a 'green' home built using sustainable materials, a newly remodeled Craftsman-style kitchen that maintains its vintage charm, a showcase Italian beauty and more!Chat with the homeowners, designers or docents, many who are local real estate agents with extensive knowledge, to learn details about the kitchens, their history and interesting remodeling processes, including informat...
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By Kelley Eling, Realtor Extraordinaire
(Fathom Realty Group)
The chart below shows the average sales price and number of homes sold in the town of Sonoma from 2001 - present.  As you see prices are holding up much better than the volume.  The number of homes being sold started to pick up -- with August breaking that trend.  Ever the optimist, I have high hopes for September. This information is current as of 9:00am on September 4, 2007 and the source is BAREIS.If you have any questions or would like more information on this area, please feel free to contact me or visit my website.
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By Jane Hansen
(Coldwell Banker DeAnza Realty)
Yesterday the ribbon was cut on a new, barrier free playground in Sonoma, CA at the Sonoma Charter School.  The school needed a new playground and began talking about ideas.  A parent expressed an idea to replace the existing structure with a playground for children of all abilities.  Principal, Nora Flood, ran with this idea and the result is the Harmony Playground for children of all ages and abilities.  School parents and volunteer community members spent countless hours organizing and erecting the playground. The playground is used by the school during normal school hours and is open to the entire community at all other times.  Come play in Sonoma!
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By Maggie Bafalon, e-Pro, CHMS, CNS
(Frank Howard Allen Realtors)
I've been working with some clients who now find themselves in the unenviable, but not rare,  position of being in a short sale situation.  We hear a lot about this in the news, and we know the reality of what it means...when the house sells, there will not be enough money to cover all the encumberances on the property.  So what do people do?If they are smart, they seek guidance from professionals like tax and bankruptcy attorneys, perhaps CPA's and definitely tax advisors - and they try hard to get enough sleep.  Constant worry has a direct impact on health and on our ability to concentrate - even when we are doing really important things - like construction work on roofs.  It can also make us speak harshly to our spouses and our children.  There are moments when we simply draw a blank...
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By Maggie Bafalon, e-Pro, CHMS, CNS
(Frank Howard Allen Realtors)
After the doom and gloom of my last blog, I thought it appropriate to remember one more great reason we live here...The Sonoma Valley Harvest Wine Auction Weekend - Aug. 31st through Sept. 2nd.  There are still tickets!!!  Go to this website: to get tickets and see the details of this very fun, 3-day event.Think about the time the brochure was printed , 8 of the 10 fabulous winemaker dinners are SOLD OUT!  Makes you think you might want to put this in your Palm for next year.The first evening, Aug. 31st, is an event labeled "Palate" from 5:30 - 11 p.m. at the Fairmont SONOMA MISSION INN & SPA.  (  This year, the entire event (not just this dinner) has a western theme, so here's how this dinner is described:  "Sit down to dinner with a ...
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