
Sonoma, CA Real Estate News

By Kelley Eling, Realtor Extraordinaire
(Fathom Realty Group)
As of April 5, 2010 38% of available listings in the beautiful wine country town of Sonoma are in escrow. For the month of March 2010 35 homes sold in Sonoma for an average final selling price of $466,730. The average original asking price of these homes was $514,652. The range of final selling prices was from a low of $186,900 to a high of $2,600,000.  (As you can see, the low end is driving the market.) Of the 35 homes that sold (13 of which were distress sales) 5 sold at their original asking price and 6 sold over their original asking price.  All others sold for less. It took these homes an average of 119 days to sell. To see everything that is currently for sale through our MLS, click here. To learn more about this area search more around this blog, visit my website, or feel free t...
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By Kirsten Lindquist, Realtor - Sonoma Wine Country
(Pacific Union International)
Sonoma's Neighborhoods - The Rural Side of East Side Sonoma. Because I sell real estate in Sonoma Valley, people often ask what I love most about where I live.  That's a tough call for me but at the top of my list are our east side Sonoma neighborhoods.   In Sonoma, where living is "laid back" and easy-going, there are some lovely residential developments where homes share similar characteristics.  And we do have a fair number of gated communities with architectural standards and CC&R's intended to instill residential development uniformity.  But I think a big part of Sonoma's charm and it's broad appeal is the ecclectic nature of the homes we have here.  We have grand mansions and stunning architectural masterpieces and elegant wine country estates.  And we have plenty of ...more modes...
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By Kirsten Lindquist, Realtor - Sonoma Wine Country
(Pacific Union International)
Sonoma's Neighborhoods - Eye-Popping East Side Armstrong Estates The majority of homes that are found on the east side of Sonoma are relatively modest if you compare them to the grand mansions in Armstrong Estates.  Armstrong Estates is an east side Sonoma development just blocks from Sonoma's historic 8-acre central plaza.  Developer Steve Ledson teamed up with HGTV in 2009 to promote his construction work in a televised and much advertised "Dream Home Give-Away." There are about two dozen homes in Sonoma's east side Armstrong Estates and the architectural styles are predominantly Craftsman and Victorian.  When you drive through this Sonoma east side neighborhood you'll see that each home has a unique appearance.  Each has been custom built to the specifications of the individual homeo...
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By Kirsten Lindquist, Realtor - Sonoma Wine Country
(Pacific Union International)
Living in Sonoma Neighborhoods - Sonoma's East Side has it all.   Sonoma's east side is the ultimate spot for living in Sonoma for some.  Sonoma's east side has it all...when it comes to architectural diversity and close proximity to the historic Sonoma Plaza.  I've taken a few digital pictures to show just a sample of what you see as you drive through Sonoma's Eastside streets.  Craftsman style homes, like this one on highly desirable 2nd Street East, are very prevalent on the east side of Sonoma.    There are also many Bungalows on the east side of Sonoma...some updated simply....others in vibrant and colorful ways. Quite a few homes built in the 1940's through the 1970's have also been given a fresh look.  Because Sonoma's population is older and we have many retirees living here, si...
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By Kirsten Lindquist, Realtor - Sonoma Wine Country
(Pacific Union International)
Proof that Spring in Sonoma is Here Mustard in our meadows and vineyards is one of the first signs that Spring in Sonoma is almost here.  We know that spring in wine country has officially arrived once we can see new growth on the vines.  Those first tender buds tell us without question that Sonoma's spring has sprung.  As I write this post, it's another rainy in mid-March day. I can honestly say I've had enough rainfall this spring. However, this isn't about me and my self-centered desire to get out in my garden. The fact is: in Sonoma's vineyards another day of rain is a most welcome thing.   Stay tuned. More news about spring in Sonoma will be coming your way soon.
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By Kirsten Lindquist, Realtor - Sonoma Wine Country
(Pacific Union International)
Sonoma County Foreclosures---Where are the Sonoma REOs? For weeks we've been expecting lenders to put their Sonoma County foreclosures on the market.  An earlier post of mine detailed the hundreds of Bank Of America Sonoma County foreclosures that are said to heading into the marketplace. Well...where are they?  The spring market is upon us and and new listings are showing up on the MLS.  One BofA REO hit the market in Sonoma Valley last week and two days ago a GMAC Sonoma Valley REO showed up, too.  But in recent days, that's all.  Real Estate Economy Watch, a nationwide online real estate market analysis service, just posted on the mystery of the Sonoma County foreclosure inventory...and here's their take on the situation. I'm willing to speculate that the lenders have done a brillian...
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By Kelley Eling, Realtor Extraordinaire
(Fathom Realty Group)
As you will see in the charts below the average sales price in the beautiful wine country town of Sonoma is up a bit this month.  Several higher end homes closed to help boost the average with most of the sales being the distressed sales and the low end. For more information about this area search around this blog, visit my website or contact me directly.
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By Kelley Eling, Realtor Extraordinaire
(Fathom Realty Group)
As of March 8, 2010 an encouraging 39% of available listings in the beautiful wine country town of Sonoma are in escrow. For the month of February 2010 only 18 homes sold in Sonoma for an average final selling price of $770,378. The average original asking price of these homes was $878,294. The range of final selling prices was from a low of $170,000 to a high of $3,500,000 -- further demonstrating that the low end of the market is what's moving. Of the 18 homes that sold (6 of which were distress sales) 3 sold at their original asking price and 2 sold over.  All others sold for less. It took these homes an average of 87 days to sell. To see everything that is currently available for sale through our MLS, click here. To learn more about the area visit my website, search more around this...
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By Kirsten Lindquist, Realtor - Sonoma Wine Country
(Pacific Union International)
Sonoma Luxury Homes Are Selling.  The North Bay Area Real Estate Information Services MLS statistics for February show there were four sales last month of Sonoma Luxury properties priced from $1.4 million up to $3.5 million. Why report just four sales? Because, during the same period last year there were ZERO sales of over $1 million in our Sonoma Valley real estate market.  Can we draw any conclusions based on just four sales? No, not yet.   If this trend continues through the current month of March, though, we will be seeing evidence that Sonoma luxury properties are beginning to move again.  How can I make that statement?  Because in March of '09 there were also ZERO sales of $1million-plus properties in Sonoma Valley. It's worth noting that none of the February 2010 Sonoma luxury pr...
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By Kirsten Lindquist, Realtor - Sonoma Wine Country
(Pacific Union International)
Spring in Sonoma is almost here.  This is Slow-noma so we are fine with spring taking its time to arrive.  Plus the delayed profusion of Sonoma County wildflowers and balmy days has been due to unusually generous rainfall.  We've had much more rain this winter in Sonoma than in the past four years.  Now, this doesn't mean the dangers of drought have been wiped out.  It takes more than one year of rainy weather in Sonoma for that to happen.   But with rainfall at nearly or at above normal levels our Sonoma landscapes are as beautiful as I can ever remember them.   I'll let my pictures tell the rest of the story...                               It's time to celebrate the beauty of Sonoma in spring.  I'm inviting you to join me for that.  If you are interested in Sonoma real estate (and ho...
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By Kirsten Lindquist, Realtor - Sonoma Wine Country
(Pacific Union International)
Wondering about Sonoma Open Houses on Sunday February 28, 2010?  There are 19 open houses in Sonoma on Sunday this week. For quick reference I'm providing this list right out of our MLS open house directory.  If you want more information on any of these Sonoma open house listings let me know...I've got it.  All are open from 2-4PM.  I'll be holding one of these open....180 4th Street East on East Side Sonoma.   Come on by! If you're looking for real estate in Sonoma Valley call, text, or email me.  I look forward to hearing from you!   
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By Kirsten Lindquist, Realtor - Sonoma Wine Country
(Pacific Union International)
  The Sonoma Valley Musem of Art is kicking off another year of fun social events with a great local blues band that's sure to be a crowd pleaser.   The Whiskey Thieves will be playing an acoustic set at the upcoming "MIX" event which focuses on art, music, and cocktails.     Everything else you need to know is laid out below:          SVMA hasbecome a treasured institution in Sonoma and throughout Sonoma Valley.  When you become a member you enjoy quite an array of benefits.  It's a great place.  Hope to see you there!                             P.S.  My office is just around the corner from the Sonoma Valley Museum of Art at 25 E. Napa St, facing Sonoma Plaza.                
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By Kirsten Lindquist, Realtor - Sonoma Wine Country
(Pacific Union International)
  Kirsten's Sonoma Real Estate Report - February 25, 2010 Broker Tour  The Sonoma Real Estate market's February 25, 2010 Broker Tour is showcasing 8 listings this week...and four are not so new: 820 West Spain Street is a 2bed/1.5 bath condo in Sonoma Commons Affordable housing complex. 184 Central Avenue is located in "The Springs" and is listed as a charming 1940's Sonoma Bungalow with a cozy living room and large sunny kitchen. 3022 Warm Springs Road in Glen Ellen is a short sale featuring 3.58 acres is bordered by a year-round creek & beautiful vineyard with a 3-horse stable. 18919 Riverside Road sold for $560,000 in 2008 and has 7 bedrooms, 4 baths, 3 kitchens. Possible uses: extended family situation, group care home, large home w/granny. 273 Richards Blvd. is described as a newly...
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By Kirsten Lindquist, Realtor - Sonoma Wine Country
(Pacific Union International)
Coming soon to the Sonoma Real Estate Market:  A Big Wave of REOs.   This was the news in our weekly Monday office meeting.   We got word that the Bank of America is planning to introduce about 300 Sonoma County REOs within the next 90 days.   We also heard that 30 of the REOs will be Sonoma Valley real estate listings and among them....will be a couple of $2 Million dollar properties. We currently have 181 residential listings in our market and 14 of those are REOs.  You don't have to be a mathmatician to figure out that the anticipated new REOs would triple our inventory of bank-owned listings.   That's a significant increase by anyone's standards. But wait...there's more!  And probably lots more.  The B-of-A's Sonoma County REOs are likely just a fraction of what's in the pipeline. ...
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By Kirsten Lindquist, Realtor - Sonoma Wine Country
(Pacific Union International)
Sonoma is California's happiest county according to a new Galllup poll.  I can't say I'm surprised at this since people do seem happier here than elsewhere.  Folks smile at you on the street and they wave from their cars.  But, please, don't just take it from me.  Here's a link to a story about the survey.   I can't imagine being unhappy here.  I've spent alot of my life on Sonoma Mountain land once owned by author Jack London who famously said, "I have everything to make me glad I am alive.  I am filled with dreams and mysteries. I am all sun and air and sparkle. I am vitalized, organic."   That was written in the early 1900's.   How happy I am that some things remain the same even after 100 years.   Yes.  Happiness is living in Sonoma County.          
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By Kirsten Lindquist, Realtor - Sonoma Wine Country
(Pacific Union International)
Sonoma Bakeries Are Wine Country Treats --- Not Bottled, But Baked Sonoma bakeries don't get the glory they deserve simply because they are less publicized wine country treats and not bottled, but baked.  I think it's time our bakeries in Sonoma get recognition, too.  Telling you about them is easy for me.  I've got a crazy-vicious sweet tooth so I know them all...far better than I should. I'll start with Scandia, which most tourists miss but locals hold in high esteem.  The storefront in a strip mall on the west side of town is plain but Scandia's Princess Cake is anything but that.   It's an elegant dome of layered buttery cake, filled with whipped cream, and coated with an icing made with that almost intoxicating almond flavored stuff craved by my Danish step-dad:  Marzipan!  I love ...
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By Kirsten Lindquist, Realtor - Sonoma Wine Country
(Pacific Union International)
Sonoma in Spring - It's Buttercup season. Spring in Sonoma brings back childhood memories of family hikes in the meadows on Sonoma Mountain.  After the refreshing rains of winter, the wildflowers here are insanely beautiful.  One of the first to appear is the cheerful and brilliant Buttercup. On our walks we would always stop to pick these happy harbingers of sunny days ahead and my Grandfather would say, "Now hold them under your chin."  Gramp would smile, and look surprised and delighted.  Then, he would ask, "You know what this means, don't you, kids?"  Even though we'd done this many times before, my brother and sister and I would shake our heads and ask him to tell us (again.) Gramp would say, "Well, by golly, that golden glow under your chins means you kids love butter!"  And we'd...
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By Kirsten Lindquist, Realtor - Sonoma Wine Country
(Pacific Union International)
Update on Sonoma Real Estate Listings - February 11, 2010 Our active real estate listings inventory remains low here in Sonoma with just eight new listings introduced to the market this week.   I find it remarkable that only one of these is listed as a short sale.  It's a home in Sonoma Greens priced at $479,000.  There are no new listings that are bank-owned...nor are there any on Sonoma's popular East Side. The red flag marks Sonoma Plaza and...yes...this is a hard map to read.  I think you can get the gist of it, though.  Here's the list of new listings which I hope is easier to see.  I'm working on this, folks! Call me if you want to chat about what's happening in my market.  And there will be more info on Sonoma Valley real estate coming Stay Tuned!    
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By Kelley Eling, Realtor Extraordinaire
(Fathom Realty Group)
As of February 2010 28% of available listings in Sonoma are in escrow. For the month of January 2010 25 homes sold for an average final selling price of $590,509. The average original asking price of these homes was $733,432. The range of final selling prices was from a low of $130,500 to a high of $2,400,000. Of the 25 homes that sold (10 of which were distress sales) 2 sold over their original asking price and all others sold for less. It took these homes an average of 184 days to sell. To see everything that is currently available for sale on our MLS click here. To learn more about the area visit my website or feel free to contact me directly.
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By Kirsten Lindquist, Realtor - Sonoma Wine Country
(Pacific Union International)
  Here's a list of 10 "Must Have" Home Features cited in a recent survey of home builders and I think it's a big heads up for sellers.  Do these recession-weary tradespeople have an agenda in sharing this list?  Sure, they want you to hire them to do the remodeling.  That's obvious.  But if you read through this "short list" you'll see things that make sense from a buyer's perspective.     Many relate to today's more frugal, built-for-the-long-term,  and stay-at-home lifestyle.  1. Large kitchen with an island 2. Energy efficient appliances, insulation, and windows 3. Home office / study 4. Main-floor master suite 5. Outdoor living room 6. Ceiling fans 7. Master suite soaker tubs8. Stone and brick exteriors 9. Community landscaping, including walking paths & playgrounds 10. Two-car gar...
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