
Sonoma, CA Real Estate News

By Kelley Eling, Realtor Extraordinaire
(Fathom Realty Group)
As you can see, in the town of Sonoma, that while the home prices have historically fluctuated month to month, for 2010 we are still averaging sales prices comparable to 2004--which is still pretty high compared to the rest of the country. I had someone ask me yesterday if I could find them a home in Sonoma between $20-50K.  I asked if they forgot a zero...  You cannot find a home in Sonoma in that price range.  Maybe a mobile home... If you take a look at the volume, the number of homes selling, Sonoma has improved slightly in that respect over the past few years.  A good sign, for sure. To see all the homes that are currently available for sale through our MLS click here. To see some of the fun things to do in the area, click here. To learn more about this area search more around this...
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By Gregory "NNN" Garver, (323) 696 1031, Net Lease Broker
(NNN Brokers USA Commercial Real Estate)
Pricechopper: Grandma Decor Galore in Cow Hollow September 9th, 2010 Click the image above to view the full photogallery. Was: $4,850,000Now: $4,450,000You Save: $400,000 Listed in June for $4,850,000, this 4-bed, 3.5-bath, 2,980 square foot home just chopped off $400,000, bringing its asking price down to the Jack in the Box dollar menu cost of $4,450,000. This is the home's "1st time on market in 68 years," and its interiors reflect that. Country grandma gone crazy? Most definitely. Take a look at the guest bedroom with the two twin beds. And might we add... once inside, doesn't it feel a bit McMansionish? Especially that all-pink marble bathroom? And how about that pink carpet in the hallway and on the stairs? And why do we all of the sudden want homemade chocolate chip cookies and a...
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By Kelley Eling, Realtor Extraordinaire
(Fathom Realty Group)
As of September 7, 2010 30 % of available listings in the beautiful wine country town of Sonoma are in escrow. For the month of August 2010 36 homes sold in Sonoma for an average final selling price of $665,810. The average original asking price of these homes was $779,166. The range of final selling prices was from a low of $143,000 to a high of $4,500,000. Of the 36 homes that sold (13 of which were distress sales) 1 sold at the original asking price and 6 sold over the original asking price.  All others sold for less than the original asking price. It took these homes an average of 106 days to sell. To see all the homes that are currently available for sale through our MLS click here. To see some of the fun things to do in the area, click here. To learn more about this area search mo...
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By Kirsten Lindquist, Realtor - Sonoma Wine Country
(Pacific Union International)
Sonoma Valley and Sonoma County Home Sales for July 2010 Well the numbers aren't pretty but beauty is always in the eye of the beholder, right?  As a real estate sales person I'd like to see healthier numbers on numbers of properties sold but I can also see a  bright side in some of the improved sales prices.  July was pretty slow-going for for sales of  "wine country" homes.  Here's a snap-shot of Sonoma County real estate sales for July.  The chart is courtesy of the folks at The Sonoma County Real Estate Report. For the full report click here.  If you're interested in talking about the Sonoma Valley or Sonoma County Real Estate market please get in touch.  You can email, call, or text me.  My contact info is below.   I look forward to hearing from you.  
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By Dave Roberts
(Healdsburg Sotheby's International Realty)
I met some new buyers today in Sonoma Valley. For those who aren't familiar with Sonoma, it's an early center for much of California's modern history. The Bear Flag Rebellion was centered here and many historical buildings remain, mainly clustered around the town's big plaza.  The town is flatter than much of Sonoma County, so it makes for great bicycle riding and walking. It also has made for an easy network of roads, many of which allow speeds that start to generate road noise. My clients had talked about a lot of their goals for a vacation property, but we hadn't gotten into the issue of ambient noise. They had a chance to preview half a dozen homes on our list and only one of them was quiet enough for their consideration. I was pleased that they were able to eliminate so many homes ...
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By Kelley Eling, Realtor Extraordinaire
(Fathom Realty Group)
As you will see in the charts below the real estate market in the beautiful wine country town of Sonoma is still limping along.   The average sales prices here always fluctuate wildly depending on what sold that month.  The number of homes selling is still a bit anemic, but with a large second home and retirement market that can be expected. For more information about this area search more around this blog, visit my website or contact me directly.
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By Kelley Eling, Realtor Extraordinaire
(Fathom Realty Group)
As of August 6, 2010 32% of available listings in the beautiful wine country town of Sonoma are in escrow. For the month of July 2010 30 homes sold in Sonoma for an average final selling price of $595,460. The average original asking price of these homes was $682,683. The range of final selling prices was from a low of $195,000 to a high of $2,975,000. Of the 30 homes that sold (8 of which were distress sales) 2 sold at their original asking price and 3 sold over their original asking price.  All others sold for less. It took these home an average of 101 days to sell. To see my active listings click here. To see everything that is currently available for sale through our MLS, click here. For more information about this area search around this blog, vist my website or contact me directly.
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By Kirsten Lindquist, Realtor - Sonoma Wine Country
(Pacific Union International)
Sonoma Neighborhoods - It's Country Living on Norrbom Road   Norrbom Road is named for a pioneering Sonoma family.  Norrbom Road takes you from the Sonoma Valley floor and Sonoma Plaza up into the rugged Mayacamas Range east of town.  The road, which is about 3 miles long, was hand dug by members of the hard-working  Norrbom family.    The Norrboms, of good Swedish descent, put down roots in Sonoma Valley around 1850 and homesteaded some 360 acres in the hills above the town of Sonoma.  Norrbom Road is still just one lane wide...with turnouts for passing vehicles.  The family still owns some of the land but over the years portions were sold off and homes were built by other property owners, including one I've recently listed:   16720 Norrbom Road.   It's not easy to find homes for sale ...
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By Kelley Eling, Realtor Extraordinaire
(Fathom Realty Group)
As is illustrated in the charts below the worst seems to be behind us.  The average sales price in the beautiful wine country town of Sonoma has always fluctuated wildly from month to month.  The thing that's encouraging is the increase in the number of homes that are selling. If you have questions, just let me know. To learn more about this area search more around this blog, visit my website, or feel free to contact me directly.
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By Nicole Monary, Nicole Knows San Diego Neighborhoods
(Sellstate Next Gen Realty)
SONOMA HOMES--My bank says I don't qualify for a permanent modification.  What now? More and more, I am getting calls like this from clients.  These clients have entered into a temporary loan modification program with their lenders under the Making Homes Affordable Program (HAMP).  They made their three months worth of trial payments at a payment they could afford.  They thought this would be permanent.  Now they are being told that they do qualify, but the payment will be much higher.  For example, I have a client whose payment prior to modification was $4800.  For her temporary modification, it was $3500.  After the trial period, the bank increased it to $4300.  Due to a recent divorce and lack of income, she cannot make that amount. When she spoke with her bank, they told her that sh...
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By Kelley Eling, Realtor Extraordinaire
(Fathom Realty Group)
As of July 6, 2010 33% of available listings in the beautiful wine country town of Sonoma are in escrow. For the month of June 2010 46 homes sold in Sonoma for an average final selling price of $560,380. The average origial asking price of these homes was $676,555. The range of final selling prices was from a low of $134,000 to a high of $1,550,000. Of the 46 homes that sold (14 of which were distress sales) 4 sold at their original asking price and 6 sold over their original asking price.  All others sold for less than their original asking price. It took these homes an average of 139 days to sell. To see everything that is currently available for sale through our MLS click here. To learn more about this area search more around this blog, visit my website or feel free to contact me dir...
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By Brad Andersohn, ActiveBrad - 707.646.1876
(Retired Executive Director of Education at eXp)
When I was seven years old, I was inspired by a movie to wanna grow up one day and be a race car driver.  My parents took me to a Century theater for my very first "Big Screen" experience to watch James Garner and Brian Bedford in the movie Grand Prix.  Mom used to tell me that during the movie, I sat there in the seat holding the tips of my shoes as if they were a steering wheel, and believed I was racing down that track with the other drivers in the movie.  I don't really remember that, but I do remember that childhood dream of one day wanting to be on the race track to feel that thrill and to experience the excitement of the "race!" Last week, my good friends Diana Turnbloom and her husband Steve invited me to join them at Infineon Raceway, (formerly Sears Point) to watch Steve and h...
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By Kelley Eling, Realtor Extraordinaire
(Fathom Realty Group)
As you will see in the charts below the average sales price of homes in Sonoma varies widely from month to month depending, of course, on what closed that month. What I find encouraging is the number of homes selling--on track with 2009, but well over 2008 and 2007.  You can clearly see when the bottom fell out in the Fall of 2007.  It's been a rough road since then, but we'll be just fine in the long run. To learn more about this area search more around this blog, visit my website or contact me directly.
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By Kelley Eling, Realtor Extraordinaire
(Fathom Realty Group)
As of June 7, 2010 27% of available listings in Sonoma are in escrow. For the month of May 2010 34 homes sold in Sonoma for an average final selling price of $468,594. The average original asking price of these homes was $535,025. The range of final selling prices was from a low of $123,000 to a high of $1,100,000. Of the 34 homes that sold (13 of which were distress sales) 1 sold at the original asking price and 4 sold over.  All others sold for less. It took these homes an average of 154 days to sell. To see everything that is currently for sale through our MLS click here. To learn more about this area in general search more around this blog, visit my website or contact me directly.
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By Kelley Eling, Realtor Extraordinaire
(Fathom Realty Group)
As you can see in the charts below, the average monthly selling price varies widely depending upon what has sold in that particular month.  What's encouraging is the number of homes that are selling.  In April we saw more homes sell than in March, more in March than February...  and more in 2010 than 2009 or 2008.  I really think the "bottom" has passed and while we have been severely beaten, we are getting back up, dusting ourselves off, and beginning a painful recovery. To see all homes that are currently available for sale through our local MLS click here. To learn more about the area in general search more around this blog, visit my website or contact me directly.
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By Kelley Eling, Realtor Extraordinaire
(Fathom Realty Group)
As of May 9, 2010 27% of the available listings in the beautiful wine country town of Sonoma are in escrow. For the month of April 2010 39 homes sold for an average final selling price of $767,309. The average original asking price of these homes was $886,545. The range of final selling prices was from a low of $90,000 to a high of $7,662,250. Of the 39 homes that sold (16 of which were distress sales) 7 sold at their original asking price and 5 sold over. It took these homes an average of 113 days to sell. To see everything that is currently for sale through our MLS click here. To learn more about this area visit my website, search more around this blog, or contact me directly.
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By Kirsten Lindquist, Realtor - Sonoma Wine Country
(Pacific Union International)
What Are Sonoma Real Estate Buyers Waiting For? Sonoma real estate buyers have slim pickin's right now.  We currently have 210 active residential listings.  That's about 60% of the inventory we typically have this time of year---the "hot" spring selling season.  Of those listings, 16-17% are distressed sales.  These are properties that are either bank-owned or short sales.   Looking at the stats a different way---80-84% of properties listed are non-distressed.   Many of them are listed at the lowest prices for Sonoma real estate that we've seen in 7-8 years. With all the headlines about bank-owned screaming deals, buyers seem to think they can scoop up real estate at bargain basement prices just about anywhere.   This is not the case everywhere and especially not so in Sonoma Valley.   ...
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By Kirsten Lindquist, Realtor - Sonoma Wine Country
(Pacific Union International)
Sonoma Neighborhoods - Las Casitas on Sonoma's East Side. Homes on Sonoma's coveted East Side come in a wide variety of architectural styles from traditional craftsman to the most contempoary and avant-garde.  Prices on these Sonoma homes vary widely, too, from hundreds of thousands into  the multi-millions.  In my opinion one of the nicest and more moderately priced areas is Las Casitas, which lies just two blocks from Sonoma's historic plaza.  It's actually a little neighborhood of its own of condos and townhouses with Spanish style adobe courtyards and terracotta tile roofs.     View Sonoma Neighborhood - Las Casitas in a larger map The most recent listing in Las Casitas, as of May 1, 2010, is one of the townhouses.  It came on the market at $599,000 after being updated by the seller...
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By Kirsten Lindquist, Realtor - Sonoma Wine Country
(Pacific Union International)
Sonoma Farmer's Market - Fresh and Fun  View Sonoma Farmer's Market locations in a larger map The Sonoma Farmer's Market has kicked off another season offering fresh produce, flowers, locally made cheeses, honey, breads and a variety of fun entertainment  The "big" farmer's market is Tuesday night on the Sonoma Plaza, in front of City Hall,  from 5:30 till dusk.   A smaller market is held Friday mornings until noon near the old railroad depot on First Street West just off the Plaza.             The Tuesday night Sonoma Farmer's Market has grown in size and popularity in recent years.   With the bigger crowds it's become a venue for people with all sorts of messages...from campaiging politicians to grouchy clowns.  These two on stilts were joined by a crowd of clowns that made news in th...
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By Kelley Eling, Realtor Extraordinaire
(Fathom Realty Group)
Sonoma is an interesting town to keep tabs on because the sales prices can fluctuate so wildly from month to month illustrating the diversity in the properties you find in this town. The chart below shows a dip in average sales price for the month of March 2010 but it also shows that the volume, the number of homes selling is up -- which I think is even more important right now than the average sales price. Check back each month for more updates.  For more detailed information about current Sonoma home sales, click here. To learn more about this area search more around this blog, vist my website or feel free to contact me directly.
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