Tesla Motors to build headquarters and assembly plant in San Jose, Ca.
By Michael Greenslade
(Better Homes & Gardens | Mason-McDuffie Real Estate)
I used to work across 237 from the location where the new Tesla Motors headquarters and assembly plant will be located. The new plant will be located at 237 and Zanker Road in San Jose. I used to work at Redback Networks located on 350 Holger Road. My office window used to look out over the lot where this plant will be located. I very much like the idea of the Tesla Roadster. I surely wouldn't mind having one of these fast sporty and great looking electric vehicles. I am not a huge fan of the popular Toyota Prius. I am glad to see something on the horizon that promises to be the muscle car of the "green" movement. There will be about a thousand new employees hired at the new automobile assembly plant. These new employees may be needing to find new homes. Here's the link for anyo...