Carmel Valley / Torrey Hills (San Diego) Price Trends
By Robert T. Boyer, San Diego Real Estate & Mortgage Loans, Ph.D. | VA Home Loan
(FHA Loan, VA Loan, Jumbo Loan,FHA Loans,VA Loans,Jumbo Loans)
The following two charts are from and show the current price trends for average listing price and a histogram showing the price ranges of the available e-bedroom homes for sale. If you have a specific area you would like to know about the market trends or the price ranges of available homes, go to and replace the zipcode shown in the link with your own zipcode, city-name, or state-name. Yes, you must hyphenate a multi-word-name. You can even compare city, state, and zipcode trends by adding more slashes and names. For example, you could type in to get a three entry price trend chart. Sadly the home availability histogram only shows the mo...