Mortgage Rate Update 8-12-13: Trends Projections & Today's Best Rates
By Jason E. Gordon, Sr Loan Officer, CMA, CMPS, CDLP, CDRE, RCSD, CDPE
(CMG Mortgage, San Diego, CA)
Although no news data is due today, we have potentially favorable Retal Sales Data being reported tomorrow (which could hurt mortgage rates). This daily mortgage interest rate report is designed to provide Borrowers & Real Estate Profesionals with factual data regarding where rates are at any given time and what trends are propelling current mortgage pricing on any given day. Feel free to browse the library and research historical rate updates dating back over 2 years at whenever desired. To make things easier, I have also posted a quick report on How To Read The Charts Below. Also, make sure to learn THE TOP 10 THINGS TO KNOW ABOUT MORTGAGE RATES (to help understand the relationship between rates & fees/credits) along with THE TRUTH BEHIND MORTGAGE QUOTES (to bett...