Factory Built & Panelized Construction? No End In Sight
By John DL Arendsen, Crest Backyard Homes "ADU" dealer & RE Developer
(CREST "BACKYARD' HOMES, ON THE LEVEL General & Manufactured Home Contractor, TAG Real Estate Sales & Investments)
Factory Built & Panelized Construction? No End In Sight It's time to get ready for the renaissance and the next major genre in construction. Having been in the construction, factory built housing, site built construction and real estate development business for the past 3 decades and having been involved with just about every aspect of it from small Manufactured Homes to site built homes to commercial construction projects et. al. I see no end in sight for what is fast becoming the next major genre in the construction and development industry. American Building Innovations is fast becoming a major player in the arena of Factory Built Panelized Construction and it's clearly evident what with the myriad projects they currently have in their production line and the versatility they hav...