Our Military, Firefighters, and Law Enforcement deserve it!
By Kimo Quance
(The Kimo Quance Group DRE 01927385)
Heroes Deserve it! I come from a military family representing every branch of the service. Grandfathers were in the Air Force and Marines, my Uncle was in the Army, my father retired Navy, and I was in the Coast Guard. I grew up knowing the importance of what our military does for our country. I also understand the dangers that firefighters and law enforcment go through each and every day. In my line of work I wanted a way to give back to our military, firefighters, law enforcement, and educators. I sought out what I can do to help them and their families. I started a search on Google to find out what I can be a part of to give back to this community as a way of saying thank you. My initial searches didn't go as planned but with enough searching I found the perfect fit. Homes for...