Consumer Credit Counseling Services: A Positive Alternative to Bankruptcy
By Jen Birmingham
(Coldwell Banker - San Francisco's North Bay/Wine Country)
In these bleak economic times, a lot of people are struggling financially. Now, in daily conversations, I frequently hear tales of bankruptcies and foreclosures from people whom, just a few years ago, were in great shape, financially. When the topic of bankruptcy comes up, I always suggest looking into Consumer Credit Counseling Services as an alternative. The circumstances vary. Their financial struggles may be the result of divorce, job loss, mortgage interest rate adjustments, poor credit card habits or another unexpected life change. Whatever the case, the days of stability are gone for a lot of people and right now, they are looking for a way out. Years ago, when I divorced my first husband, I found myself saddled with a large amount of debt. A good friend of mine had told me about...