Thank You for believinig In and Standing Up for Novato Students
By Sylvia Barry, Marin and Sonoma Real Estate Leading Expert
(Coldwell Banker Previews International (#1 Marin_Sonoma_San Francisco_North_Bay))
This was originally posted on May 21, 2011 While dramas are playing out on different stages, and emotions run high in Novato causing much debate and anguish among Novatans on issues related to safety, schools and the city, a handful of volunteers quietly ran one of the most successful fundraisers for Novato schools. With 257 registered riders from 16 public schools and 2344 donors; the Tour of Novato and FunFair fundraiser, held on one glorious April day, raised over $93,000 for Novato public schools! It was quite an amazing sight witnessing the excitement going on around the registration table. Riders signing in, taking off for a fun and healthy hour or two to fundraise for their schools. Bicycles, unicycle (one), double bicycles, bicycles with backseat and trailers;...