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By Bob & Leilani Souza, Greater Sacramento Area Homes, Land & Investments
(Souza Realty 916.408.5500)
In 2018, there were 16 sales of residential lots & land in Meadow Vista, CA: 2700 Winding Creek Lane, Meadow Vista, CA 95722 (1.3 acres) SOLD for $220,000 on 3/1/18 16411 Winchester Club Drive, Meadow Vista, CA 95722 (1 acre) SOLD for $240,000 on 3/9/18 16641 Winchester Club Drive, Meadow Vista, CA 95722 (1 acre) SOLD for $225,000 on 3/23/18 2064 Longview Drive, Meadow Vista, CA 95722 (1.5 acres) SOLD for $160,000 on 3/30/18 3012 Legends Drive, Meadow Vista, CA 95722 (0.2577 acre) SOLD for $150,000 on 5/18/18 1463 Meadow Vista Road, Meadow Vista, CA 95722 (6.29 acres) SOLD for $299,000 on 6/21/18 1741 The Point Road, Meadow Vista, CA 95722 (1.16 acres) SOLD for $255,000 on 6/22/18 17101 Winchester Club Drive, Meadow Vista, CA 95722 (1.2 acres) SOLD for $209,000 on 7/3/18 1751 The Point ...
By Bob & Leilani Souza, Greater Sacramento Area Homes, Land & Investments
(Souza Realty 916.408.5500)
Real estate market data for Meadow Vista, CA provided by Leilani Souza of Souza Realty. Want to know what the smallest, largest, cheapest and most expensive homes in Meadow Vista, California that sold in 2014 were? Here you go, based on MLS data for single-family detached homes in Meadow Vista, CA zip code 95722 (not including condominiums, mobile homes or properties sold at trustee's sales): SMALLEST HOME SOLD IN MEADOW VISTA, CA (2014) 15060 McElroy Road, Meadow Vista, CA 95722 is a 1 bedroom, 1 bath, 720 sq. ft. cottage built in 1968 on 10 acres (with two possible building sites for a main house). The cottage could be a weekend getaway or a temporary residence while a new home is built on the property. It has wood paneling in the kitchen and living room, a makeshift kitchen, an upsta...
By Bob & Leilani Souza, Greater Sacramento Area Homes, Land & Investments
(Souza Realty 916.408.5500)
Meadow Vista, CA - Residential Lots & Land Sales (1st Quarter 2013) In the 1st quarter of 2013, there were 3 closed sales of residential lots & land in Meadow Vista, California: 1 Oak View Lane, Meadow Vista, CA 95722 (1.7 acres) SOLD for $82,500 on 2/22/13 - 20 DOM 2400 Wild Lilac Court, Meadow Vista, CA 95722 (1.1 acres) SOLD for $192,500 on 2/19/13 - 2 DOM South Lakewood Drive, Meadow Vista, CA 95722 (2.5 acres) SOLD for $75,000 on 2/15/13 - 185 DOM 100% of Meadow Vista lots & land sales in the 1st quarter of 2013 were traditional sales.0% of Meadow Vista lots & land sales in the 1st quarter of 2013 were bank owned. *0% of Meadow Vista lots & land sales in the 1st quarter of 2013 were short sales. ** Currently, there is 1 pending sale and 9 active listings of residential lots & la...
By Bob & Leilani Souza, Greater Sacramento Area Homes, Land & Investments
(Souza Realty 916.408.5500)
Want to know what the smallest, largest, cheapest and most expensive homes in Meadow Vista, California that sold in 2012 were? Here you go, based on MLS data for single-family detached homes in Meadow Vista, CA zip code 95722 (not including condominiums, mobile homes or properties sold at trustee's sales): SMALLEST HOME IN MEADOW VISTA, CA (576 SQ. FT.) SOLD IN 2012 16120 South Rocky Road, Meadow Vista, CA 95722 is a 1 bedroom, 1 bath, 576 sq. ft. home built in 1941 on a 0.91 acre lot. This property was on the market for 54 days before it sold on 11/21/12 for $124,000 (99.28% of the $124,900 asking price). It sold for $215.28 per square foot. LARGEST HOME IN MEADOW VISTA, CA (5,288 SQ. FT.) SOLD IN 2012 1530 Ridgemore Drive, Meadow Vista, CA 95722 is a 4-5 bedroom, 4 full bath, 2 h...
By Bob & Leilani Souza, Greater Sacramento Area Homes, Land & Investments
(Souza Realty 916.408.5500)
Meadow Vista, CA - Residential Lots & Land Sales (4th Quarter 2012) In the 4th quarter of 2012, there were 2 closed sales of residential lots & land in Meadow Vista, California: 17100 Winchester Club Drive, Meadow Vista, CA 95722 (2.3 acres) SOLD for $160,000 on 11/7/12 - 35 DOM 3011 Hidden Grove Drive, Meadow Vista, CA 95722 (1.7 acres) SOLD for $84,900 on 10/25/12 - 6 DOM 100% of Meadow Vista lots & land sales in the 4th quarter of 2012 were traditional sales.0% of Meadow Vista lots & land sales in the 4th quarter of 2012 were bank owned. *0% of Meadow Vista lots & land sales in the 4th quarter of 2012 were short sales. ** Currently, there are 2 pending sales, 0 active short sales and 10 active listings of residential lots & land in Meadow Vista, California. Prices range from $69,96...
By Bob & Leilani Souza, Greater Sacramento Area Homes, Land & Investments
(Souza Realty 916.408.5500)
Meadow Vista, CA - New Bank Owned Foreclosures (November 12-16, 2012) Here is a list of foreclosures in Meadow Vista, California (Placer County) that became bank owned during the week of November 12-16, 2012: 16109 Winchester Club Drive, Meadow Vista, CA 95722 (4/5, 5430 sq. ft. built in 2003) In comparison, there were 0 properties in Meadow Vista, California that went back to the bank last week. This REO property may soon be listed on the market, so consider this a sneak preview of a future foreclosure listing in Meadow Vista, California! Please contact Bob Souza at (925) 513-3400 or Leilani Souza at (916) 408-5500 if you are interested in buying foreclosures through Souza Realty and would like to be notified when a particular foreclosed property becomes available for sale. SEARCH ME...
By Bob & Leilani Souza, Greater Sacramento Area Homes, Land & Investments
(Souza Realty 916.408.5500)
Meadow Vista, CA - New Bank Owned Foreclosures (October 29 - November 2, 2012) Here is a list of foreclosures in Meadow Vista, California (Placer County) that became bank owned during the week of October 29-November 2, 2012: 16309 Winchester Club Drive, Meadow Vista, CA 95722 (3/6, 4431 sq. ft. built in 2007) In comparison, there were 0 properties in Meadow Vista, California that went back to the bank last week. This REO property may soon be listed on the market, so consider this a sneak preview of a future foreclosure listing in Meadow Vista, California! Please contact Bob Souza at (925) 513-3400 or Leilani Souza at (916) 408-5500 if you are interested in buying foreclosures through Souza Realty and would like to be notified when a particular foreclosed property becomes available for s...