Things to do in Fair Oaks... Visit My Favorite Jewelry Store, The Hart Collection, in Fair Oaks Village
By Sally Dunbar, Fair Oaks Realtor - Fair Oaks Homes for Sale
(Lyon Real Estate, Fair Oaks CA (Sacramento Area))
I love fun jewelry. Cheap jewelry. Classy. Trashy. Flashy... I love it all. I long ago gave up buying expensive jewelry - like gold and diamonds.... OK, you caught me. I NEVER have bought gold and diamonds, unless you count the 2 carat diamond I found, for which I bought a new setting. But that doesn't count. (And that's another story). I'm lucky my very favorite jewelry store is just a few blocks from my home, in Old Fair Oaks Village. It's The Hart Collection at 10145 Fair Oaks Blvd, right across from the Oaks Hardware. The first time I went there, I left with 5 watches and about 4 necklace sets. Little cuff watches in lots of colors. Very cool. Today I picked up 5 more necklace sets, plus a sequined-covered purse. That store is addicting, if you're a jewelry hound, like me! Own...